
Ember CLI Addon for using jQuery-Waypoints

MIT License


Ember Waypoints

Ember Waypoints is an easy way to consume the jQuery Waypoints library within an Ember application. It is initially published as an Ember CLI addon, but could have a standalone (aka globals based) if folks are interested.


Resources for jQuery Waypoints



To install run the following:

ember install ember-waypoints


Use the {{way-point}} helper in your template:

{{#way-point on-up="viewedScrollingUp"}}
  <p>This text is always displayed, the wrapping component simply provides
     a way to interact with jquery-waypoints.</p>


  • on-up -- This is fired when a waypoint is viewed while scrolling up. Receives the component instance as an argument.
  • on-down -- This is fired when a waypoint is viewed while scrolling down. Receives the component instance as an argument.
  • action -- This is fired when a waypoitn is viewed in either direction. Receives the direction ("down" or "up") and the component instance.

You can pass arguments to the fired action by using Ember's closure actions. The closure action arguments will proceed the arguments passed in by ember-waypoints:

{{#each pages as |page|}}
  {{#way-point action=(action "setCurrentPage" page)}}
      Using a closure action allows you to pass addional arguments to the action
actions: {
  setCurrentPage(page, direction) {
    // arguments provided by the closure action are passed in first
    // followed by arguments provided by ember-waypoints

Configuration Options

The majority of the jquery-waypoints configuration API is available for use. Simply provide one of the following options and it will be used for waypoint being created:

  • horizontal
  • triggerOnce
  • offset
  • contextElementId (in place of context)
  • continuous

An example of using a way point with a context (where you want to have the way point be based upon a "container" div offset instead of the body offset):

<div id="container" style="height:100px; overflow-y:scroll;">
  <div style="height:500px;">
    {{#way-point contextElementId="container" offset="50" on-up="scrollingUp" on-down="scrollingDown"}}
        The thing that triggers the waypoint actions to be fired when it reaches the top of the $('#container') element + a 50 pixel offset.

Unit testing components

To unit test components that use the waypoint helper in their templates, make sure to add integration:true to your moduleForComponent:

moduleForComponent('my-component-that-includes-a-waypoint', {
  integration: true

Development of ember-waypoints


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.


This library is licensed under the MIT License.