
Swig module for Ender


Swig for Ender

Swig is a fast template engine inspired by django-t (also known as Twig for Symfony's users).

It's written by Paul Armstrong and can be found here.


If you don't already have installed Ender, go get it! Now. It's good for you.

$ sudo npm install ender -g

Then make your build with Swig included:

$ ender build ... ender-swig

Or add it to an existing build:

$ ender add ender-swig

You could ask yourself "Why the fuck should I type add ender-swig and not simply add swig ?". It's a good question:

  • First, the swig module you'll find in npm repository is not fully browser-compatible, it will include the node version to your build. Not cool for your Ender build.
  • The clean way is to call make browser from Swig repository, then build this into ender. That's what this module has made for you.
  • Note that I may find a way using a properly written ender.js to make it ender-ready, and then I'll make a Pull Request to original repository. You'll know when it happens because there will be a huge warning in front of this README.


This module adds a $.render method, and a $.swig object.

$.swig is a simple copy of the swig object. See Swig's documentation for more information.

The render method adds some magic to ease integration of inline templates (in <script> tags):

Simple rendering

You can call $.render(id, [vars]) to render an inline template. The module will take care of retrieving content and pre-compiling it for you.

<script type="text/html" id="tpl">
Hello, {{ name }}.
console.log($.render('tpl', {"name": "dude"}))
// Hello, dude.

Support for inheritance

In this example, note that you didn't have to compile parent template. In a normal situation you would have had to, but the module detects extensions and tries to compile associated inline template.

<script type="text/html" id="parent">
Hello, {% block name %}John Doe{% endblock %}.
<script type="text/html" id="child">
{% extends 'parent' %}
{% block name %}dude{% endblock %}
// Hello, dude.

Support for strings

You can also render templates directly from strings, but you'll then have to provide a fake filename by passing a third parameter to $.render.

<script type="text/html" id="child">
{% extends 'parent' %}
{% block name %}dude{% endblock %}
// compile parent from string
$.render('Hello, {% block name %}John Doe{% endblock %}.', {}, 'parent')
// compile child from inline template
// Hello, dude.