
A Collection Browser and Visualizer


The following documentation is an uncomplete working draft, which will become more and more consistent as the project makes progress.

h1. Envision - A visual interface for browsing and analyzing semantically rich, structured data

As part of my master thesis I'm developing a visual interface that aims to allow browsing and analysis of arbitrary data in new efficient ways. My master thesis, respectively the attempt of finding a generic methodology, which allows quick analysis and visualization of arbitrary structured data, is a sequel to former efforts in the field of "Information Visualization in the Semantic Web":http://quasipartikel.at/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/informationsvisualisierung_im_semantic-web1.pdf, which was the subject of my bachelor thesis (2008).

Envision, which is the project's temporary working title, is basically a browser that operates on arbitrary collections of similar data items. Apart from searching and filtering capabilities you'll be able to visualize data in various ways. Such visualization options will be added successively on demand. You can expect familiar chart types (bar, line, scatter) as well as some more advanced data visualizations. Also the inclusion of essential statistical methods is planned. The quality of the resulting browser will be examined using a set of criteria described in Aufreiter (2008) compared against existing solutions. Also a small user study is planned.

There have been plenty of attempts on taking advantage of increasing availability of high quality structured data. The "SIMILE":http://simile.mit.edu project of the MIT for instance is dedicated to the provision of tools for the data web. Among them are some for browsing data ("Longwell":http://simile.mit.edu/wiki/Longwell) as well as dedicated data visualization widgets ("Timeline":http://www.simile-widgets.org/timeline/, "Exhibit":http://www.simile-widgets.org/exhibit/, etc.).

While there are great approaches and prototypes available for specific tasks, there's still a need for suitable uniform approaches for aggregating and processing data in order to be able to analyze it efficiently.

The main motivation for researches in this field is the lack of valuable data aggregation services, that are available on the web. There's a strong necessity for making data analysis tasks a repeatable/reusable process. There's much potential for web based data integration tools, as they are not bound to local environments and can be used instantly by everyone. The recent evolvement of browser technology, like the introduction of HTML5 and increased Javascript performance, is a perfect foundation for building new kinds of powerful tools that hadn't been possible before.

h2. Problems with web data

  • Various formats of semantically linked data (RDF, OWL, common webservices that provide data in XML or JSON format)
  • Working with semantic web data usually requires extensive knowledge in various domains
  • The vast amount of data and types often leads to disorientation
  • The semantic web is rather limited to a scientific domain
  • Processing of data is a repetitive task, that most often has to be done manually.
  • Most of the time you are not interested in the whole set of properties, but on a certain view on the data.

h2. Needs

  • Interfaces to explore publicly available data and operate on them
  • An easy way to create views on raw data
  • Options to 'see' the data (connections, coherences, similarities etc.)
  • Data analysis (compare common properties of a set)
  • Reveal hidden patterns using information visualization
  • Apply statistical methods to gain insight and ground strategic decisions based on the data under investigation
  • Lowered barriers to start working with semantically rich data without having to do much preprocessing.

h2. 1st priority goals

  • Description of a suitable approach to utilize data without costly manual preprocessing
  • Definition of an object model that allows viewing linked data in different ways
  • A generic browser interface that allows to navigate and analyze such data
  • Allow filtering (faceted browsing principle)
  • Provide various types of visualizations to compare and analyze data

h2. 2nd priority goals

  • Apply techniques from the field of Intelligent User Interfaces by making use of Artificial Intelligence and knowledge-based techniques.
  • Description of a feasible approach to convert various data sources
    ** Can this be done automatically/semi-automatically?
    ** Typed collections featuring various properties can be possibly distilled from linked data sources (RDF, Freebase, Last.fm, Delicious)
    ** Because data is semantically annotated (RDF, OWL, etc.) software can reason about it and autonomously convert it to a corresponding collection format.

h2. Intended Implementation

  • Rich web interface based on JavaScript and recent browser technologies (HTML, SVG)
  • Utilization of visualization frameworks (Protovis, Processing.js)
  • "Ruby on Rails":http://rubyonrails.org (Ruby Web Framework)
  • "REDIS":http://code.google.com/p/redis/ (fast persistent key-value database)

h2. Existing tools and libraries

h2. Current stage of research/development

The following screenshot shows the current (early) stage of development: An online demo will be made available as soon as the project is stable enough.

!http://ma.zive.at/envision_screenshot.png(Envision Interface Sketch)!

h3. A suitable object model for describing graphical representations

When looking at various visualization libraries you'll notice that most often they define an object model that rather describes a graphical representation and comes with a massive set of options for customization. Describing graphical objects like Axis, Categories and Labels in the first place has the disadvantage of resulting in tight coupling between data and representation. Data needs to be translated for a specific graphical representation. Data is mapped to Axis, Label and Category objects to power a bar chart, while it's mapped to Node and Edge data structures in order to visualize relationships between data items.

While this approach works fine for specific visualization tasks, which are accomplished with manual work, it fails when there's a need for visualizing arbitrary similar data items in a generic way.

The following object model is an attempt to overcome this problem. It strictly separates data (which is represented as a collection) from its possible graphical representation.

I recently wrote about the problem of tight coupling between data and representation at our "blog":http://quasipartikel.at/2010/05/04/in-search-of-a-suitable-object-model-for-describing-charts/, trying to propose a different, more data-centric approach. The approach has been refined since then. I'm going to update this document to reflect my latest understandings.

h4. Collection

A collection depicts the heart of the whole system. A data-set under investigation conforms to a collection that describes all facets of the underlying data in a simple and universal way. You can think of a collection as a table of data, except it provides precise information about the data contained (meta-data).

An implementation of the Collection API is available as a separate JavaScript library at "http://github.com/michael/collection":http://github.com/michael/collection.

h4. Item

An item of the collection conforms to a row in data table, except one 'cell' can have arbitrary many values (non-unique attributes).

h4. Property

Meta-data (data about data) is represented as a set of properties that belongs to a collection. A property (cmp. a column in a table) holds a key, a name (cmp. header of a column) a type (telling wether the data is numeric or textual, etc.).

h4. Chart

A Chart is a wrapper for arbitrary graphical representations (visualizations) of data. It consists of a Collection (underlying data) and its vague graphical representation (plot options). The ultimate graphical result is not determined by the chart, but by the visualization, which is chosen to render the chart.

After a chart is invoked, it can determine the set of available "Visualization Types":http://manyeyes.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/page/Visualization_Options.html. This would allow a user to zap through the available visualization types to find the best suitable. Visualization types that do not support the provided plot options can be disabled to prevent dead-ends.

The Chart API (JavaScript) can be found at "http://github.com/michael/chart":http://github.com/michael/chart. You can have a look at the implementation of "Scatterplot":http://github.com/michael/chart/blob/master/src/visualizations/scatterplot.js as an example of a pluggable Chart Visualization. It uses the Protovis visualization framework for rendering. But any other visualization library can be used. The "Table Visualization":http://github.com/michael/chart/blob/master/src/visualizations/table.js just uses plain HTML.

h4. Measure

A Measure describes an arbitrary property that can be visualized in some way. It's associated with a number of data points resulting from the corresponding items attributes. A measure also provides convenience methods such as minimum/maximum values the underlying data or tick interval computation. A measure corresponds to the concept of a Series, which is commonly used in graphic-centric visualization libraries.

h4. Visualization

A Visualization is an abstract interface for concrete implementations of interactive visualizations. A Visualization must implement a render method to be able to be unobtrusively plugged into the Chart object. Visualizations are invoked using a uniform constructor that takes a chart object. Therefore a visualization has access to the chart's data represented as a collection object and uses the chart's plot options to guide the visualization.

h4. Exchange format

The JSON exchange format conforms to the underlying object model and reads as follows:

h2. Installation

h3. Requirements

Envision is developed and tested against Ruby (1.9.1) and Rails (3.0.0-beta3)

h3. Available collections

Some sample collections are available through "Collectionize":http://github.com/michael/collectionize, a dedicated aggregator service, that translates interesting web services to a uniform collection format. Those collections that are represented in a readable JSON format can then be displayed by Envision.

Currently available:

  • Countries fetched from Freebase.com (/countries)
  • Last.fm Playlists (/playlists)

h2. References