
examples of minimal ES2015 projects, with testing and test coverage.


ES2015 Code Coverage Examples

In this tutorial I'll walk you through setting up test coverage for your fancy pants ES2015 JavaScript projects. We'll cover two topics: instrumenting native JavaScript code, and writing backwards compatible ES2015 code using babel.

For this tutorial, feel free to follow along in the repository bcoe/es2015-coverage

ES2015 With The Babel ES2015 preset

ES6/ES2015 is composed of a daunting array of JavaScript language features. Babel comes to the rescue, providing collections of plugins that track the standardization process.

For this tutorial we will be using the ES2015 preset, a collection of Babel plugins that encompass many of the exciting features currently in the pipeline for JavaScript.


By relying on the preset, there are only a few dependencies that we need to add test coverage to our ES2015 project:

npm i babel-cli babel-register babel-plugin-istanbul babel-preset-es2015 cross-env mocha chai nyc --save-dev
  • babel-cli: is the command-line interface for babel; we use it during the build step.
  • babel-register: automatically compiles ES2015 JavaScript as it's required in your
  • babel-plugin-istanbul: this plugin adds coverage instrumentation to your ES2015 code
    as it's compiled.
  • nyc: outputs the coverage information to disk, and handles running reports.
  • cross-env: used to set NODE_ENV=test in a cross-platform compatible way.
  • mocha/chai: the test framework that I happen to be using for this tutorial.



We place a .babelrc in the root of our project which is used by babel-cli to apply the compilation process:

  "presets": [
  "env": {
    "test": {
      "plugins": [
  • presets.es2015: indicates that we should load the babel-preset-es2015 set of plugins.
  • indicates that we should run the babel-plugin-istanbul
    plugin only when NODE_ENV=test.

package.json: configuring nyc

{"nyc": {
  "require": [
  "sourceMap": false,
  "instrument": false
  • nyc.require.babel-register: indicates that we should automatically run
    require('babel-register') as nyc loads our tests. This allows us to
    write ES2015 code in our tests without running a build step (code is automatically
    compiled by babel as it is loaded).
  • nyc.sourceMap=false/nyc.instrument=false: indicates that we should not use
    nyc for instrumenting tests with coverage or handling source-maps; this
    logic is instead handled by babel and babel-plugin-istanbul.

package.json: script stanza

{"scripts": {
  "build": "babel index.js -d src",
  "test": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text mocha test.js",
  "prepublish": "npm run build"
  • scripts.test:
    • cross-env NODE_ENV=test: sets the NODE_ENV environment variable resulting in the babel-plugin-istanbul plugin being loaded.
    • nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text: indicates that nyc should be used to
      run mocha, and that it should output both an lcov and a text report.
    • mocha test.js: it doesn't get much simpler than this; use mocha to run
  • this script uses babel-cli to compile your ES2015 code.
  • scripts.prepublish: we automatically run the build step before publishing our
    package to npm.

Writing Tests

Because nyc automatically loads babel-register there is no build step necessary for your tests. Just write your tests using ES2015 syntax and require() the pre-compiled ES2015 JavaScript files:

import CoverageBabel from './index'


describe('CoverageBabel', () => {
  it('returns hello world message', () => {
    const cls = new CoverageBabel('Ben')
    cls.helloMessage().should.equal('hello Ben')

Shipping Your Code

When it's time to publish your code to npm, simply use babel-cli to compile your ES2015 JavaScript into ES5 compatible code:

babel index.js -d src

This command will read in your ES2015 ./index.js file and output the ES5 ./src/index.js file. Only ./src/index.js should be published to npm, which can be achieved by adding a files stanza to your package.json:

{"files": [

Instrumenting Native ES2015 Code

If you're using newer versions's of Node.js various ES2015 features are already supported. provides a useful chart for viewing compatibility information.

nyc uses the same parser underneath the hood as babel and understands native ES2015 constructs; with zero configuration you can start instrumenting your ES2015 code!

{"scripts": {
  "test": "nyc --reporter=text --reporter=lcov mocha test.js"