
An expansion and tweaking of the "standard" config style for ESLint

MIT License



A ruthless--though not arbitrary--degree of control for your kingdom!

One ring to rule them all!


npm i -D eslint-config-ash-nazg
install-peerdeps -d eslint-config-ash-nazg

The rules

See main.js (and node.js for ash-nazg/node rules) for the rules we explicitly include (and see sauron.js for the even stricter ash-nazg/sauron rules or great-eye (or great-eye-node) for still stricter rules though which are probably best not used).

(See explicitly-unused.js for the core and extended rules we don't include (rationale for non-inclusion below).)

I've focused below on deviations because the original sites tend to already articulate the usefulness of the rules I have incorporated for these plugins/configs. This is for tracking design choices and not disparaging the utility of non-included rules.

Other bundled configs

The ash-nazg/node config expands upon the regular ash-nazg rules to add rules specific to Node environments. Specifically, plugin:node/recommended-module has been adopted for now along with some stylistic choices. However, if you are using more CJS exports, you can override this by adding plugin:node/recommended-script to your extends array (after ash-nazg) or, for Sauron-Node, by using sauron-node-script.

The ash-nazg/node configs also detect minimum Node from engines and set env to use the highest supported ES globals, e.g., ES2021 (and also sets node: true) as well as sets ecmaVersion.

The ash-nazg/sauron config expands upon the regular ash-nazg rules to indicate what are generally best practices but are less likely to be due to an error and may possibly also require a high (and possibly tyrannical) degree of refactoring for existing projects. See below for the rationales for inclusion.

The ash-nazg/great-eye and ash-nazg/great-eye-node configs expands on ash-nazg/sauron (and ash-nazg/sauron-node) to include rules which enforce good practices, but which are so cumbersome and may flag too much legitimate code that I personally won't regularly use them. Still, I like to track them here, including in the event that their config changes to make them less all-encompassing.

The ash-nazg/sauron-node config incorporates both ash-nazg/node and ash-nazg/sauron. It adds specific rules of its own which may be unduly strict for ash-nazg/node.

A few experimental configs have been added as well, though this might be removed or significantly modified in a future version:

  • +script-node.js: Applies script source type with Node; used by
  • +script.js: Applies script source type for non-Node; used by
  • sauron-node-overrides.js: sauron-node with rc and mocha
  • sauron-node-script-overrides.js): sauron-node-script with rc and
  • sauron-overrides.js: sauron with rc and mocha
  • sauron-script.js: sauron with +script.js file
  • sauron-script-overrides.js: sauron-script with rc and mocha
  • +babel.js: Wraps a module to support equivalent babel/eslint-parser rules
  • mocha.js: Sets up Mocha (and chai global) on test directories
    (via overrides)
  • mocha-plus.js: Strict but reasonable rules for checking Mocha/Chai (not
    naming "sauron" as not bundling with Sauron)
  • cypress.js: Strict but reasonable rules for checking Cypress
  • overrides.js: Config for overrides to give browser directories,
    and config and RC config files suitable default config

Comparison to other "standards"

eslint-config-ash-nazg is a collection of some excellent preexisting rules other projects have created, curated with the intent of attaining productive strictness.

"standard" (config) and eslint:recommended have brought a welcome degree of pseudo-standardization for code styling and error checking.

However, they do not impose as high of a degree of control as one may find desirable to enforce common, sane styling practices, catch bad practices and hard-to-read patterns, or in some cases even catch errors.

Moreover, standard enforces a few styling rules which are contrary to regular JavaScript practice (e.g., its enforced absence of semi-colons).

ash-nazg aims to offer defaults which adhere to norms, build upon productive restrictions, and in a few cases, offer greater latitude where some constraints are unduly confining.

To see which rules from an extended config ended up enabled (we are typically inheriting "recommended" configs), see /inherited-rules/implicitly-included.

To see which rules from the extended config we disabled, see our relevant config(s) (e.g., main.js).

To see which rules from the plugin that each extended config derives from (i.e., the non-recommended rules of a plug-in), see explicitly-unused.js for ones we have consciously not used and see our relevant config(s) (e.g., main.js) for the ones we did add (alongside any recommended).

The unused folder is used to capture any (non-recommended) rules which are not explicitly either enabled or within explicitly-unused.js (as might be found during an update of our config dependencies), but it is currently, and should hopefully remain, empty, as we wish to be consciously aware of all rules from inherited projects and whether we wished to include them. As far as new rules added to recommended, we can see these within diffs of inherited-rules/implicitly-included files (built during development by npm run compare).

Rationales for inclusion of dependent plug-ins

Besides incorporating more from ESLint core, we also add rules from a few other (peer) dependencies.

  • eslint-plugin-compat - Though its list of browsers to support is not
    added by our code, it is a basic enough of a need to remind one
    of its need to be present (and to avoid needing to add the rule for it).
  • eslint-plugin-import - Besides being peer dependencies of standard,
    this has some additional useful rules we apply.
  • eslint-plugin-jsdoc - provides a number of helpful rules for catching
    bad or incomplete JSDoc during development. Note that we do not impose
    jsdoc/require-jsdoc except as a warning in ash-nazg/sauron mode, so
    all of the eslint-plugin-jsdoc rules should only apply when JSDoc is
    used. We also avoid some of eslint-plugin-jsdoc stricter checking
    requirements for descriptions.
  • @eslint/markdown - Another basic use case is ensuring code
    snippets are linted, which is why this is expected. You may find ESLint's
    discussion of overrides helpful for tweaking rules for Markdown (and
    you may also wish to use overrides, for the eslint-plugin-jsdoc
    rule check-examples if you wish to lint your JSDoc examples according
    to different standards). In ESLint 7 it is no longer necessary to pass the
    file extension within the --ext flag, e.g., --ext js,md to get this
    to take effect when used in overrides[].files (though it does seem to
    be required to include md if you do use --ext).
  • eslint-plugin-html - One basic use case is ensuring HTML
    is linted, which is why this is expected. You may wish to use
    overrides for HTML-specific rules or enable the plugin's
    own rules.
    In ESLint 7 it is no longer necessary to pass the
    file extension within the --ext flag, e.g., --ext js,html to get this
    to take effect when used in overrides[].files (though it does seem to
    be required to include md if you do use --ext). (The HTML plugin lacks
    the Markdown plugin's ability to treat separate blocks differentially, but
    an issue
    was filed requesting support.)
  • eslint-plugin-promise - Besides being peer dependencies of standard,
    this has some additional useful rules we apply.


Deviation from eslint:recommended

In comparison to eslint:recommended, ash-nazg only adds restrictions with the exceptions of:

  1. Loosening the ESLint < 6 requirement of no-console into a mere warning
    and only in the stricter ash-nazg/sauron configuration. This is for the
    reason that console logging is too useful for debugging (and sometimes
    for reporting progress) to have to disable it at every turn and to distract
    one from actual errors.
  2. Change no-empty so that allowEmptyCatch is true. There are enough
    cases where one legitimately needs to suppress errors.

Rationale for overriding standard rules

  1. semi - Even if not strictly required, semi-colons are conventional in
    JavaScript and help denote the end of statements (as opposed to the
    end of a line which may continue).
  2. indent - While it may take some getting used to, 2 spaces does allow more
    in one's field of vision. However, changed to use outerIIFEBody for
    avoiding indents with the IIFE body, as this often minimizes indent level
    for much or all of the whole file.
  3. object-property-newline - Properties on the same line can be very
    convenient, including stacking for space to avoid max length (though
    without stacking the height too high).
  4. one-var - While I normally favor enforcing conventions, this one seems
    to me to be of little consequence. It also prevents grouping like
    items together. I might favor an option to require separate lines for
    variable declarations, but for uninitialized ones, adding to the same
    line is convenient, especially for single-letter variables. I would
    like a rule to have declarations as close as possible to being just
    above any used scopes (for let and const).
  5. object-curly-spacing - Not sure why standard switched from the default
  6. quotes - avoidEscape is too reasonable to avoid ugliness;
    allowTemplateLiterals is useful to begin a pattern that may expend to
    allow other quotes or dynamic variables.
  7. object-curly-newline - Doesn't allow let f = {foo () { dosomething(); }};
  8. lines-between-class-members - Don't feel any need for it
  9. @stylistic/spaced-comment - Adding markers for sake of TS-style /// <reference> comments.

Rationale for changing required rules' configuration away from ESLint defaults

While these are not part of standard or eslint-recommended, I've noted here why we have deviated from the defaults set by ESLint for those applying the rule.

  • array-bracket-newline - Switched to "consistent" over "always" as
    sometimes nice to be a little condensed, especially when representing
    HTML as JSON within Jamilih (or JsonML) templates.
  • function-paren-newline - The default multiline can get too long whereas
    "consistent" can be clean and short.
  • multiline-ternary - Inline ternary can be very readable when not
    spanning lines
  • no-empty - Empty catches occur frequently enough to justify
  • no-mixed-requires - Grouping is more organized, while calls are
    compellingly convenient
  • no-warning-comments - As per great-eye discussion of this rule,
    to-dos can be useful, but we nevertheless include the rule with terms
    set to fixme and xxx so we reject these other forms of todo. To
    also reject todo, see great-eye.
  • no-restricted-globals - Use example defaults for event (and
    fdescribe) as convenient
  • no-restricted-properties - Use example default of restricting
    __defineGetter__ in favor of Object.defineProperty as convenient
  • no-restricted-syntax - Set to eliminate any use of instanceof
    (as it is not cross-frame safe, except if using Symbol.hasInstance)
  • no-shadow - It is better practice not to confuse by using globals! I
    didn't feel the examples for allowing necessitated their use.
    I added "parent", "top", "open", "close", "stop", "blur",
    "status", "name", "closed", and "start" to allow as frequent
    local variables technically shadowing globals (start for QUnit env).
  • object-shorthand - Enabling avoidExplicitReturnArrows as methods
    without this that this rule grabs (which have their own meaning with
    arrow functions) are more succinctly expressed in shorthand, and
    shorthand also conduces better to events where this refers to the
    element (unless one needs the outer scope this). The option
    avoidExplicitReturnArrows does not avoid if the functions have
    this (though this isn't currently documented); this is probably
    good, though use of this may signal an error if within a method
  • prefer-destructuring - Did not set array to true due to its problems
    with direct access of large numbers (requiring many commas) and
    non-iterable ‘array-like’ objects.
  • quote-props - Changed to "as-needed" as properties more verbose and
    uglier with quoting
  • radix - We're only dealing with ES5+ environments, so the radix is
    redundant for base 10.
  • import/order - Enforcing "builtin", "external", "internal" and then
    ["parent", "sibling", "index"] in any order as these may be
  • import/no-unresolved - fs/promises should be allowed by default as a
    Node module. @uce/reactive is just a virtual package (as used by

Rationale for not including some rules

The following rules are not included within eslint:recommended or standard, nor have we chosen to include them in any of the ash-nazg rules.

Note: italicized items refer to features I might enable if the described option could become available (or upon further review). I might also tweak some standard rules further which I have not had time to examine (but it would probably be toward the stricter rather than looser as I have been happy with it thus far).

  • array-element-newline - While the "consistent" option would be nice,
    it doesn't work well to keep up with a max width and the desire to avoid
    excessive height [\n a, b, \n c, d\n]
  • arrow-body-style - With as-needed and requireReturnForObjectLiteral,
    this seems reasonable, but too often in debugging, one needs to add
    brackets to do any logging.
  • func-names - Too prohibitive, though if applied to methods only, it may
    be useful (though with object shorthand, less necessary)
  • func-style - Declarations are simpler so appealing also. If enabling,
    would also want allowArrowFunctions.
  • id-blacklist - Can be helpful but a little tyrannical
  • id-length - Can be helpful (especially a minimum) but a little tyrannical
  • id-match - Too project-specific
  • init-declarations - Nice with "always" and ignoreForLoopInit, but
    cumbersome and seemingly wasteful at times
  • line-comment-position - Too inflexible to enforce either way
  • lines-around-comment - Irksome to me
  • max-classes-per-file - A bit tyrannical
  • max-depth - Sounds good but tyrannical
  • max-lines-per-function - A bit tyrannical
  • max-lines - A bit tyrannical
  • max-params - Can be troublesome when one is forced to abide by some API
  • multiline-comment-style - Would be nice if allowed multiline
    "starred-block" OR "bare-block" given some one may wish as JSDoc-style
    and others not
  • newline-after-var - Not very flexible (deprecated)
  • newline-before-return - Not very flexible (deprecated)
  • newline-per-chained-call - Not flexible in practice
  • no-continue - Can be convenient
  • no-inline-comments - Can be faster and more succint
  • no-invalid-this - Sounds good but not useful for element event
  • no-multi-assign - Sounds good, but can be burdensome
  • no-negated-condition - Is generally simpler, but it can be annoying
    if one wishes to get a much smaller condition body visible at the top.
  • no-nested-ternary - Nested ternaries can be helpful to avoid clutter of
    duplicated assignment code
  • no-param-reassign - Can be helpful, but not convenient, including when
    making defaults against more than undefined (e.g., null)
  • no-restricted-imports - Project-specific
  • no-restricted-modules - Project-specific
  • no-ternary - Not useful
  • no-undefined - undefined is ok for ES6 modules and strict code, so using
    no-global-assign and no-shadow-restricted-names instead
  • no-underscore-dangle - Too restrictive
  • no-useless-concat - Too restrictive when one has certain formatting one
    wishes to draw out
  • one-var-declaration-per-line - Sounds good, but too cumbersome for small
    integer or boolean inits, and the indented next lines are not as
    immediately clear that they belong to the declaration.
  • padding-line-between-statements - Might revisit
  • prefer-arrow-callback - Not compelling
  • prefer-template - Sounds good, but too cumbersome in practice
  • require-atomic-updates - Many false positives
  • sort-imports - Would be useful with "warn" if could sort by
    multiple/single type and sort members while avoiding alphabetical
    sorting across imports which seems too rigid
  • sort-keys - Too cumbersome
  • sort-vars - Too cumbersome

Rationale for disabled import rules

  • import/no-restricted-paths - Project-specific
  • import/no-internal-modules - Useful but have to specify, so
  • import/no-import-module-exports - Seems redundant for normal CJS
  • import/no-cycle - Don't see a problem with cyclic imports in ESM
  • import/no-nodejs-modules - Useful for some projects, but not all
    including even client-side (though does offer allow option)
  • import/no-relative-packages - Not needed for general environments
  • import/exports-last - Has some reason for being, but nicer to see
    with declaration that the object is being exported. To find all, just
    search for "export"
  • import/no-namespace - While can be more efficient to import only what
    one needs, having a namespace can also avoid confusion.
  • import/prefer-default-export - Could even be a bad practice as
    ugly to import with non-defaults added later
  • import/no-default-export - Has some basis, but defaults are admittedly
    convenient. Let's not be so opinionated.
  • import/no-named-export - Could even be a bad practice as
    ugly to import with non-defaults added later
  • import/no-relative-parent-imports - Appealing in some ways, but too rigid
    for a broad standard
  • import/dynamic-import-chunkname - Might revisit for warnings, but
    probably too specific for a broad standard
  • import/max-dependencies - Too constraining
  • import/no-unassigned-import - Could be useful with allow option,
    but that would be project-specific, and unassigned imports are needed
    for polyfills
  • import/group-exports - Too rigid as with exports-last.

Rationale for disabled Node and Promise rules

no-process-exit (added by Node recommended) - has a version in Unicorn which allows in CLI apps.

node/no-missing-import - Redundant with import/no-unresolved

node/file-extension-in-import - Redundant with import/extensions and has no ignorePackages option currently.

node/prefer-promises/dns and node/prefer-promises/fs are good, but a bit early with Node 12.

node/no-restricted-import - project-specific

node/no-restricted-require - project-specific

promise/no-native is disabled as promises are essential--even, it appears, to Dark Lords.

promise/param-names can be too tyrannical in some cases.

promise/no-nesting - can be useful to nest sometimes

promise/no-promise-in-callback - May be difficult to apply (Note: Is disabled in main.js but enabled in sauron.js)

promise/no-callback-in-promise - May be difficult to apply (Note: Is disabled in main.js but enabled in sauron.js)

promise/avoid-new - Can be useful or even necessary for APIs missing Promise version (Note: Is disabled in main.js but enabled in sauron.js; could use promisify)

promise/no-return-in-finally - (Note: Is disabled in main.js but enabled in sauron.js)

promise/valid-params - (Note: Is disabled in main.js but enabled in sauron.js)

Rationale for suppressing some eslint-plugin-jsdoc rules

  • jsdoc/no-blank-blocks - Too useful to progressively build docs with blank ones
  • jsdoc/check-line-alignment - More desirable default not yet implemented
  • jsdoc/informative-docs - Too troublesome to deal with descriptions as it is
  • jsdoc/no-blank-block-descriptions - Bad for debugging
  • jsdoc/no-types - Types have utility in jsdoc unless using TypeScript
  • jsdoc/newline-after-description (recommended) - I can see its draw,
    but seems too pedantic to me for documentation.
  • jsdoc/no-defaults - Haven't transitioned to TypeScript
  • jsdoc/no-undefined-types (recommended) - I'd like something like this,
    but since it isn't aware
    of all of one's @typedefs, etc., it is too restrictive for me at this
  • jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence seems like a good idea, as
    English mistakes can be jarring as with bad styling, but this didn't
    seem to work too well. I use jsdoc/match-description with a special
    value to capture a subset of this.
  • jsdoc/require-hyphen-before-param-description - I can see its draw,
    but seems too pedantic to me for documentation.
  • jsdoc/sort-tags - A bit oppressive (and probably a bit unstable still
    as a new rule); might revisit
  • jsdoc/no-missing-syntax - Nothing currently wish to enforce
  • jsdoc/no-restricted-syntax - Nothing currently wish to enforce

Rationale for disabling some unicorn rules

(The following are recommended rules unless otherwise noted.)

  • catch-error-name - It can actually be useful to use different
    error names to indicate what type of error may be expected.
  • consistent-destructuring - In practice can be cumbersome
  • consistent-function-scoping - Though this can be useful, and it
    shouldn't be difficult to manually hoist functions upward, besides taking
    some time to refactor, this often removes functions from a logical
    grouping, and may even increase bugs, as one may be tempted to move out
    a function whose dependency is no longer wrapped with it.
  • empty-brace-spaces - Easier to build on and cleaner if allowing newlines
  • explicit-length-check - Seems wasteful.
  • filename-case - Looks potentially useful with camelCase.
  • import-index - While understandable, seems may cause more trouble in
    making it harder to find references to index.
  • import-style - Using eslint-plugin-import instead
  • no-array-reduce - Though I can see some appeal to this (and reduce also
    suffers from not being able to short-circuit), I like it for object
    property accumulation, conditional array accumulation that can later be
    flattened, etc. It also seems superfluous to add an extra join with
    string concatenation.
  • no-array-for-each - Writing code for forEach allows later refactoring,
    e.g., to move out of the block.
  • no-await-expression-member - A bit confining for convenience for only a
    little gain
  • no-instanceof-array - Covered by our blocking of all instanceof
  • no-keyword-prefix - See no need.
  • no-lonely-if - Nested ifs can be useful to catch and ignore.
  • no-negated-condition - Good but cumbersome
  • no-nested-ternary - As with eslint's no-nested-ternary
  • no-null - A good idea, but besides use of null in JSON, and semantic
    arguments in favor (having an explicit, intentional empty value),
    it makes for cleaner, quicker to understand code.
  • no-typeof-undefined - Ok but cumbersome, especially if global situation
    is complicated
  • no-unreadable-array-destructuring - Better to use this than multiple lines
  • no-unused-properties - While no doubt useful, it won't catch all cases,
    sounds computationally expensive, and may better be done with TypeScript
  • no-useless-switch-case - Still useful for flagging a viable value or
    faciliating later expansion
  • no-useless-undefined - I don't like the consequence of changing
    array-callback-return to allowImplicit, and it can make clear that
    use of undefined is deliberate.
  • prefer-array-flat - Present in array-func
  • prefer-array-flat-map - Present in array-func
  • prefer-at - Not widely available
  • prefer-exponentiation - Now present in eslint core
  • prefer-export-from - Understandable but cumbersome when importing anyways
    and have to use another style
  • prefer-json-parse-buffer - Not recommended now and may be less performant
  • prefer-module - Handling by different configs instead
  • prefer-node-protocol - Might revisit later if practice becomes adopted
  • prefer-object-from-entries - Too many false positives (e.g., non-simple
  • prefer-optional-catch-binding - Understandable rule, but extra work if
    refactoring to add later, and the catch binding can also force
    documentation of the error's purpose
  • prefer-prototype-methods - Sometimes a bit cumbersome
  • prefer-string-slice - Added to Sauron but can be cumbersome to change for
    old projects
  • prefer-string-replace-all - Good but not available yet in Node (even 14)
  • prefer-top-level-await - Good requires Babel currently
  • regex-shorthand - Was renamed to better-regex.
  • string-content - Don't want the trouble of requiring formatted apostrophes (not recommended anyways).
  • switch-case-braces - Reasonable but burdensome as may not need braces
  • template-indent - Although attractive, requires tooling to be reliable.
  • throw-new-error - Potentially confining.

Rationale for altering default on Unicorn rules

  • better-regex - Character classes can be arranged for readability.

Rationale for including some Unicorn rules which are disabled in plugin:unicorn/recommended

  • unicorn/custom-error-definition - Does not seem confining.
  • unicorn/no-unsafe-regex - Seems like something to watch for, though
    I may revisit if this reports too many common expressions.
  • unicorn/require-post-message-target-origin - Useful for common cases

Rationale for including eslint-comments rules which are not in plugin:eslint-comments/recommended

  • eslint-comments/no-unused-disable - Might be indicative of an error
    and inefficient in any case

Rationale for changing eslint-comments rules from default recommended

eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair - If at top, behavior is clear, and no need to reenable within doc

Rationale for not including some eslint-comments rules

  • eslint-comments/no-restricted-disable - See no need
  • eslint-comments/no-use - See no need

Rationale for not including some array-func rules

  • array-func/prefer-array-from - While it may benefit performance, it is
    more sleek to use the spread operator. Would like to know how much it
    impacts performance before enabling.

Rationale for not including some sonarjs rules

(All sonarjs rules are currently "recommended" rules as well except as noted.)

  • elseif-without-else - Good rationale but burdensome (not recommended)
  • no-nested-switch - Arbitrary and not helpful for cleaner code
  • no-nested-template-literals - Somewhat reasonable, but also arbitrary
  • max-switch-cases - Sounds too arbitrary.
  • no-collapsible-if - Sometimes more logically clear or made in preparation
    for future expansion
  • no-commented-code - Overly oppressive
  • no-duplicate-string - Often used in test files and repeated in fairly
    minor instances or instances repeated but spread out within a large file
  • no-identical-functions - Often used in test files and repeated by fairly
    minor functions or functions repeated but spread out within a large file
  • no-lonely-if - Oppressive
  • no-nested-conditional - Not needed
  • no-nested-functions - Good idea but restrictive
  • no-primitive-wrappers - Handling elsewhere
  • no-regex-complexity - Oppressive
  • no-self-compare - Handling elsewhere
  • slow-regex - Oppressive
  • no-small-switch - Too useful to start a pattern to which one intends to add later.
  • prefer-default-last - Handling elsewhere
  • prefer-immediate-return - Can be useful for documenting even if method name
    should be descriptive, especially if there are different returns with subtly
    different results
  • todo-tag - Use expiring to-dos, etc. instead

Rationale for including eslint-plugin-jsdoc rules which are not in plugin:jsdoc/recommended

  • check-examples - If examples are present, they ought to follow one's standards,
    including if overrides are in place to loosen/tighten. Set to match any Markdown
    rules (.md extension) by default and excludes any example beginning with a
  • check-syntax - Following typescript, not Closure syntax
  • imports-as-dependencies - Useful
  • match-description - Cleaner to see complete sentences which its default allows.
  • no-bad-blocks - Useful to catch blocks likely intended as jsdoc
  • require-returns-check - If the return value doesn't match, there may be a problem.
  • require-file-overview - Don't need @file in every file.

Rationale for only including some rules within ash-nazg/sauron

These are good practices, but cumbersome, not as familiar to developers, prohibitive during ongoing debugging or conversion of existing projects, etc. But perhaps useful for a new project which can pay closer attention to standards without the undue burden of having to refactor lots of code (which may not all be under one's control).

  • class-methods-use-this - Good for new code (though even here may need
    disabling). May break existing APIs.
  • consistent-this - A good practice, but sometimes, especially with jQuery
    or DOM event handlers, and large functions where it can be difficult to
    track what a generic that is in reference to, this may be more clearly
    named as the object
  • default-case - Refactoring code to know whether to throw or silently
    ignore requires time.
  • no-implicit-globals with lexicalBindings to true - Light browser
    apps might now want
  • max-len - May require a lot of refactoring.
  • no-alert - No quick easy replacement yet with poor dialog support.
  • no-console - Useful for debugging (and sometimes for reporting progress)
    to have to disable it at every turn and to distract one from actual errors,
    even for production.
  • no-empty-function - Cumbersome to add comments within every no-op.
  • no-shadow - Can catch errors, but also some work to refactor (See also
    section "Rationale for changing required rules' configuration away
    from defaults".)
  • prefer-numeric-literals - Good but some work.
  • require-unicode-regexp - Good, but some work to fix all.
  • vars-on-top - Not needed for let/const, and if overriding, this is
    cumbersome, despite being useful
  • import/unambiguous - A good practice, and one which overrides can
    override (e.g., for polyfills or simple HTML tests), but cumbersome
    to label all files
  • promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks - Sometimes useful, but callbacks
    may be used within repeating events
  • unicorn/no-array-callback-reference - May be cumbersome though does
    catch potential problems
  • unicorn/prefer-number-properties - Good but some refactoring needed (and not
    always readily fixable).
  • jsdoc/require-returns (recommended) - Put in ash-nazg/sauron as
    it is more than just a consistent styling convention, and it is
    not impossible to follow, but a bit difficult. Added forceRequireReturn
    option to ensure return type considered even if void/undefined
    and added contexts: ['any'] so it checks virtual functions
    (e.g., with @implements).
  • jsdoc/require-jsdoc (recommended) - Imposes a heavy burden on
    preexisting large projects (added as "error" in great-eye.js);
    we have expanded its options there though to check on ClassDeclaration,
    ClassExpression, and MethodDefinition in addition to
    FunctionDeclaration. This may still FunctionExpression and
    ArrowFunctionExpression, and these may admittedly be used on such as
    exports, but until the context option discussed at may be fixed,
    that may be too oppressive to impose.
  • jsdoc/require-param-name (recommended): Expanded this to
    contexts: ['any']; see description for jsdoc/require-jsdoc.
  • jsdoc/require-param-type (recommended): Expanded this to
    contexts: ['any']; see description for jsdoc/require-jsdoc.
  • jsdoc/require-returns-type (recommended): Expanded this to
    contexts: ['any']; see description for jsdoc/require-jsdoc.
  • jsdoc/implements-on-classes - Added with contexts: ['any'];
    see description for jsdoc/require-jsdoc. Better to be

The forceRequireReturn setting was also applied therein as it may be cumbersome to add to all returns or not favored as a requirement in all projects though it does note that a method's return was considered even if undefined.

The preferredTypes setting was enabled here as it can be cumbersome for projects to specify all child types.

Rationale for only including some rules within ash-nazg/great-eye

  • capitalized-comments - May be very prevalent; reports with commented
    out code
  • complexity - A generally good practice, but can be work to refactor,
    and sometimes impractical to enforce.
  • no-shadow with hoist: 'all' - A person should generally be able to track
    what they have in a function and it can be useful to reuse the variable
    name, but to really prevent any possible confusion, this should be set.
  • max-statements-per-line - Tyrannical when prohibiting single-line
    if (...) { continue; }; might revisit if allowed for control statements
  • max-statements - A bit tyrannical even if good for clear code
  • no-magic-numbers - Very helpful for clear code, but cumbersome,
    and sometimes very cumbersome.
  • no-plusplus - Would be nice if there were an option to allow if not
    combined inline with other expressions
  • no-warning-comments (with default value on terms option blocking
    "todo") - Good to catch to-dos, but better to search or
    parse code as a separate process rather than polluting one's ESLint
    warnings--some to-dos are ok to be left for the long term
  • import/no-unused-modules - Useful (for missingExports at least),
    but doesn't catch dynamic imports and reports for other deliberately
    non-modular scripts
  • jsdoc/check-alignment (recommended) - A pretty good practice, but not
    that important.
  • jsdoc/check-indentation - A pretty good practice, but that that important.
  • jsdoc/require-description - Though a very good practices, this is
    difficult for large code bases to implement and even cumbersome
    for new ones to have to follow for lesser parameters, so that's
    why they are not even in ash-nazg/sauron, though if you feel
    you can succeed at imposing such rigor for your hordes of
    developer minions, by all means, have a hand at it...
  • jsdoc/require-param-description (recommended) - See
  • jsdoc/require-returns-description (recommended) - See
  • jsdoc/require-property-description (recommended) - See
  • jsdoc/require-example - See jsdoc/require-description.
  • sonarjs/cognitive-complexity - As with complexity perhaps (though may
    add to sauron if demonstrates not to be too oppressive)
  • unicorn/numeric-separators-style - Good but may involve many changes.
  • unicorn/prevent-abbreviations - Very cumbersome for frequent conventions such
    as e for event
  • unicorn/prefer-set-has - Very good, but troublesome to refactor.
  • unicorn/prefer-object-has-own - Good but only available by polyfill

The preferredTypes setting was enabled here for integer/float as it can be cumbersome for projects to distinguish and because Promise even subclassed doesn't indicate the rejector type.

Rationale for not including some rules in @brettz9/eslint-plugin

  • @brettz9/for-of - Iterating functions can be easier to refactor

Rationale for including rules that might not seem necessary

  • no-implicit-globals - Included despite not applying to modules, in
    case overriding.
  • strict - Included despite not being needed for modules, in
    case overriding.

Rationale for not including some non-recommended eslint rules

  • no-return-await - As per this issue,
    it causes problems with stack traces and fails to flag function return as
    async (particularly in conjunction with require-await which effectively
    enforces not using async on such functions either).
  • prefer-object-has-own - Not yet supported in all Node
  • (This section is incomplete)

Deprecated rule non-inclusion

Deprecated and removed items from ESLint are also naturally not included.


While I will admit to being opinionated, and one may need to disable some rules (or possibly add a few ones mentioned in my non-inclusion sections), feel free to file issues if you really feel there are compelling reasons for different defaults. But again, I have to add caution that ring bearers can be picky about giving up their preh-shus...

High-priority to-dos

  1. Restore the following as may become available in flat config:
    1. eslint-plugin-unsanitized
    2. @fintechstudios/eslint-plugin-chai-as-promised (has PR)
    3. eslint-plugin-mocha-cleanup (has PR)
