
ESLint configuration for modern JavaScript that improves code quality by removing bad features and preventing anti-patterns



ESLint configuration for modern JavaScript that improves code quality by removing bad features and preventing anti-patterns


You can install ESLint using npm or Yarn:

npm install eslint --save-dev
yarn add eslint --dev

Then install this configuration:

npm install eslint-config-modern --save-dev
yarn add eslint-config-modern --dev


In your .eslintrc file, add:

"extends": "modern"

Environment support

This config uses features from ES6/ES2015 to ES2019 which are supported in the following environments:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Node.js 12.17.0+
  • TypeScript 2.7+


Consistently format code with Prettier

Prettier is highly recommended to format your code. It is much more opinionated, powerful, and consistent than ESLint's formatting support. By using both, you can get better formatting from Prettier and still get advice of what features to use and potential errors in ESLint. Removing formatting from this style guide also makes it much simpler and more flexible, as you can use any settings you'd like in Prettier.

While configuration is not required, it's recommended you enable support for ES2017 trailing commas:

"trailingComma": "all"

Use new replacements of problematic features

JavaScript has many problematic and difficult to understand syntax features that have been replaced by newer features. Migrating to new features can drastically improve the readability, safety, and consistency of JavaScript.

  • Use ES classes with class instead of constructor functions with function.
  • Use ES modules instead of globals or "use strict".
  • Replace var with const if you don't need to reassign the variable, and let if you do.
  • Replace for (const i = 0; i < array.length; i++) and for (const value in array) with for (const value of array).
  • Only use `` for string concatenation and + for addition.
  • Use spread arguments like ...args instead of arguments.
  • Prefer Promises over callbacks when using async errors.
  • Prefer async/await over .then() to use Promises.
  • Don't give parseInt() a radix, it properly defaults to 10 on modern browsers.
  • Don't assign this to a variable, use arrow functions or .bind() to avoid shadowing.
  • Use === and !== instead of == and !=.
  • Use fetch or a third party library to make requests in browsers instead of XMLHTTPRequest. undici is a good alternative for Node.

Improve semantics

Some features have potentially dangerous or confusing usages and can be improved with care.

  • Use null instead of undefined, unless you're comparing with an existing undefined value.
  • Use break/return/throw for every case in switch.
  • Don't extend or reassign built in types and values.
  • Prefer standard APIs over third party packages when you can get equivalent functionality.
  • Use capital letters for class names to signify that new should be used to create instances.
  • Only throw Error objects (or subclasses).

Avoid bad features

Some features are too dangerous or confusing to be worth using.

  • Avoid eval(), use other techniques to make code dynamic.
  • Avoid continue, use conditional statements inside blocks instead.
  • Avoid typed wrappers (Boolean/Number/String/Object/Array), use literals like false, 0, '', {}, and [] instead.
  • Avoid with, manually read properties or use destructuring instead.
  • Avoid void, it's better to use undefined or break up multiple statements instead.
  • Avoid bitwise operators like & and |, they're usually confused with the && and || (and/or) operators, and bitwise operations are not very performant or useful in JavaScript.
