
Command line utility to compile a JS project from ES modules to CommonJS

MIT License



Command line utility to compile a JS project from ES modules to CommonJS. This is handy when building hybrid ESM/CommonJS npm packages.

Built on top of the blazing fast esbuild and supports all modern JS features.


Either globally:

# using npm
npm i -g @alcalzone/esm2cjs
# using yarn
yarn add --global @alcalzone/esm2cjs

Or locally as a devDependency:

# using npm
npm i -D @alcalzone/esm2cjs
# using yarn
yarn add --dev @alcalzone/esm2cjs


Using the binary outside of package.json scripts requires global installation.

esm2cjs --in path/to/input --out path/to/output [options]

Detailed help is shown on the command line using

esm2cjs --help

Example for a TypeScript project

  1. Configure tsconfig.json to write ESM output into build/esm:

    // tsconfig.json
    	// ...
    	"compilerOption": {
    		// ...
    		"outDir": "build/esm",
    		"module": "ES2020" // or some of the new options in TS 4.5 "node12", "nodenext"
  2. Add a postbuild script that transforms the ESM output to CommonJS:

    // package.json
    	// ...
    	"scripts": {
    		// ...
    		"postbuild": "esm2cjs --in build/esm --out build/cjs -l error"
  3. Set up the exports field in package.json. Note that the syntax for types might need additional changes when TypeScript 4.5 lands.

    // package.json
    	"main": "build/cjs/index.js",
    	"module": "build/esm/index.js",
    	"exports": {
    		".": {
    			"import": "./build/esm/index.js",
    			"require": "./build/cjs/index.js"
    		// This is necessary to require/import `your-library/package.json`
    		"./package.json": "./package.json",
    		// additional subpath exports go here, e.g. your-library/tools
    		"./tools": {
    			"import": "./build/esm/tools.js",
    			"require": "./build/cjs/tools.js"
    		// or everything in the source root:
    		"./*": {
    			"import": "./build/esm/*.js",
    			"require": "./build/cjs/*.js"
    	// Types are generated by TypeScript and only reside in the esm folder
    	"types": "build/esm/index.d.ts",
    	"typesVersions": {
    		"*": {
    			"build/esm/index.d.ts": ["build/esm/index.d.ts"],
    			"build/cjs/index.d.ts": ["build/esm/index.d.ts"],
    			"*": ["build/esm/*"]
    	// ...

Example for a JavaScript project without compilation

This assumes your ESM modules are located in lib/ and the cjs output goes to dist/cjs/.

  1. Add a build script that transforms the ESM output to CommonJS:

    // package.json
    	// ...
    	"scripts": {
    		// ...
    		"build": "esm2cjs --in lib --out dist/cjs -l error"
  2. Set up the exports field in package.json.

    // package.json
    	"main": "dist/cjs/index.js",
    	"module": "lib/index.js",
    	"exports": {
    		".": {
    			"import": "./lib/index.js",
    			"require": "./dist/cjs/index.js"
    		// This is necessary to require/import `your-library/package.json`
    		"./package.json": "./package.json",
    		// additional subpath exports go here, e.g. `your-library/tools`
    		"./tools": {
    			"import": "./lib/tools.js",
    			"require": "./dist/cjs/tools.js"
    		// or everything in the lib folder:
    		"./*": {
    			"import": "./lib/*.js",
    			"require": "./dist/cjs/*.js"
    	// ...


Test case 1: zwave-js

No. of input files total size time taken
141 987 KB 390 ms


1.1.2 (2022-08-17)

Dependency updates

1.1.1 (2021-10-18)

Dependency updates

1.1.0 (2021-06-19)

Support specifying output target and platform

1.0.0 (2021-06-16)

Initial release