
jQuery plugin for on-scroll detecting whether the element entered or left the viewport.



jQuery plugin for on-scroll detecting whether the element entered or left the viewport.

Any time you scroll, Espy checks whether the element entered or left the trigger area (window viewport by default) specified in the options. On each change in state, callback will be fired with all necessary diagnostics of the element position relative to the trigger area.

What is considered a trigger area is configurable. By default, the trigger area is the visible part of the screen.


  • jQuery 1.7+


So simple, it should work everywhere. Briefly tested in IE6+, Chrome, FF, Opera, Safari.


Espy upholds the Semantic Versioning Specification, and currently is in Beta.

API documentation

$(selector).espy( callback [, options ] );


Function to be executed when element enters or leaves the trigger area.

Function context - this - is the concerned element.

Receives these arguments:

  • entered Boolean True when element entered the viewport, false when it left.
  • state String Specifying in which direction is the element in regard to the trigger area.
    Can be: up & down in vertical mode, left & right in horizontal mode, and inside when covering, or contained in
    the trigger area.


$(selector).espy(function (entered, state) {
	if (entered) {
		// element entered the viewport
		// state === 'inside'
	} else {
		// element left the viewport
		if (state === 'up') {
			// element is now above the trigger area
		} else if (state === 'down') {
			// element is now below the trigger area

[ options ]

context: Node window Element scrolling context.

horizontal: Bool 0 Enables the horizontal scrolling mode.

offset: Int 0 Offset from start of the context (top in vertical, left in horizontal) specifying the trigger area. Can be integer for offset in pixels, % for offset relative to the size of the context, positive number for offset from start, and negative for offset from end.

size: Mixed 100% Size of the trigger area. Can be integer for size in pixels, or % string for size relative to the size of the context.

contain: Bool 0 By enabling this, the callback with entered=true will be called only when the whole element is completely contained within the trigger area, as opposed to just partially covering it. If the element is bigger than the trigger area itself, the callback with entered=true will never be fired.

Using the Espy class

jQuery.fn.espy (described above) is basically just a simple proxy for Espy class declared in jQuery.Espy namespace. You can use this class directly to get more power over the Espy functionality.

jQuery.Espy( context [, callback ] [, options ] );


context: Node Scrolling context.

callback: Function Global function to be called for each element that changes state. Receives the same arguments as callback documented above.

options: Object Global options for this object instance. Same properties as options defined above. Extends default options, and can be further overridden for each element. Has one extra property called delay, specifying the minimum delay in milliseconds that throttles the frequency of scroll events to once per delay. Default delay is 100.


Create an Espy object for window context:

var windowSpy = new jQuery.Espy(window, callback);



windowSpy.add( element [, callback ] [, options ] );

Add element(s) to spying list. Arguments:

element: Mixed Can be a selector, element node, or a jQuery object with one or multiple elements.

callback: Function Function to be executed on element state change. Same arguments as callbacks documented above. Doesn't override the main instance's callback, but is triggered along with it.

options: Object Object with options. Same properties as options defined above.


windowSpy.add('#element'); // jQuery selector
windowSpy.add(document.getElementById('element')); // Direct element node
windowSpy.add(jQuery('.elements')); // Multiple elements in jQuery object

Note!: When you add an item multiple times, you won't produce duplicates, you will just override it's callback and options.


windowSpy.reload( element );

Reload element(s)'s dimensions. Call this on element that has changed it's position or size. Arguments:

element: Mixed Can be a selector, element node, or a jQuery object with one or multiple elements.


windowSpy.remove( element );

Remove element(s) from spying list. Arguments:

element: Mixed Can be a selector, element node, or a jQuery object with one or multiple elements.



Destroy Espy object. Removes registered events, clears spying list, ...


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