
This repo contains Todo-api built with ExpressJS


Building JSON Api with Node and Mongo

This is a simple demonstrate how to build api using Node and Mongo. In this I will be building A simple todo api.

Defining Routes

  • GET /api/todos List All Todos
  • POST api/todos Create New Todo
  • GET api/todos/todoId Retrieve a Todo
  • UPDATE api/todos/todoId Update Todo
  • DELETE api/todos/todoId Delete a Todo

MongoDB Schema (Structing Todo Data)

  • name (type:string)
  • complete (type:Boolean)
  • createdDate (type:Date)

Getting Started with installation

  • Make sure we have node installed.
  • run npm init this will initialize.It contains meta data of our project
  • install express js using npm install express.
  • create a main file touch index.js.
  • set up express in the file
  • everything else will be in the index.js file