
RESTful API server - Express & Knex - search and update MySQL database data



A RESTful API that interacts with busisenss data. Allows to GET search and PUT create/update of businesses.


/business allows any combination of these parameters:

param search type
uuid exact match
name substring search
address substring search
city exact match
state exact match

All searches and matches are case insensitive (e.g. "NJ" is the same as "nj").


/business requires a JSON body. It will:

  • update a business if uuid is provided and matches an existing business, or
  • create a business if uuid is not provided
    • duplicate requests will result in 'duplicate' error returned to user


  • update .env file with your MySQL credentials, database, and table name
  • npm run dev will start nodemon which will reload the server when index.js is updated


  • .env file should not be committed to a repository, it is included here for demonstration only
  • We are using knex query builder to avoid SQL injections
  • The uuid column (varchar(40)) in the table is primary so it will not allow duplicate entries
  • We are using object-hash to generate a unique hash for /PUT requests that do not have a uuid value.
    • This will make sure that subsequent calls with the exact same values will generate the same hash and prevent duplicate entries
    • Unfortunately, even though the column is named "uuid" it will contain hashes that do not match the uuid format.
  • We are using pm2 to run the server (npm start) and to automatically restart it if it ever fails. Run npm run stop to stop it.


  • Insert created_at formatted appropriately when creating a resource
  • Paginate results (currently searching with no arguments will respond with all businesses in the database)
  • Add logging of errors on the server so as to fix problems when they come up
  • Create a schema for the MySQL table and include in repository
  • Migrate code to TypeScript to catch more errors and have a better coding experience
  • Rename .env file to .env-example with dummy values and add ".env" to .gitignore
  • Add any appropriate tests (e.g. unit, integration, e2e, load)
  • Move the getCleanObjectForDB method to another file for a cleaner index.js file