
An express/requirejs/grunt/bower project boilerplate

MIT License


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A starter project for building modern JavaScript web applications.

This project is not intended for others to use, and thus I can offer no support. Feel free to have a look around and steal any code you like that isn't copyrighted.

I built this project as as a starter application for future web projects; as a reference; and as a means to learn new and exciting web technologies.

This project uses the following technologies:


  1. Ensure you have all the following software installed on your system:
  2. Clone the project from github: git clone git://
  3. Install node modules: npm install
  4. Insall client-side components: bower install
  5. Compile the default Sass: grunt compass
  6. Compress and concat the default asset files: grunt uglify && grunt concat
  7. That's all, now run node app.js to boot up the basic application

Running and developing the application

  • Run the grunt watch task while developing, this will compile your sass when you make changes
  • Run node app.js to start the application
  • Run nodemon app.js to start the application and reload the application when files change

Application environment

The application will perform different tasks based on the application environment.

You can access the environment value by calling app.get('env') which will return either 'development' or 'production'.

By default, the application will run in development mode, but you can use the following command to test the application in production mode: NODE_ENV=production node app.js

Grunt tasks

Run grunt to run the default grunt tasks.

Here are the individual grunt tasks you can run:

  • grunt watch
  • grunt test
  • grunt compass
  • grunt uglify
  • grunt jshint
  • grunt jasmine
  • grunt format
  • grunt jsbeautifier
  • grunt sass-convert

Server-side MVC

This system extends express to provide a more verbose and automated MVC system. A router handler is used to route requests to controllers. Controllers create the ViewModels and handle user input. ViewModels retrieve data models and provide that data to the views.


Routes map urls to controllers. The default route will try to map all requests to the relevant controllers. Here's an example of this catch-all default route:

  uri: '/:controller?/:action?/:id?',
  defaults: {
    controller: 'home',
    action: 'index'

Here's an example of a custom route:

  uri: '/post/:uri',
  controller: 'post'

Controller usage

Controllers will handle the request and user input, as well as creating ViewModels. For requests that return markup, use the 'ControllerLayout', which will create a 'layout' viewmodel, and all other ViewModels are added to this layout ViewModel.

Here's an example of a custom 'home' controller:

var ControllerLayout = require('../lib/Controller/ControllerLayout');
var ViewModel = require('../lib/ViewModel');

function HomeController() {
  ControllerLayout.apply(this, arguments);
    title: 'Home'

require('util').inherits(HomeController, ControllerLayout);

HomeController.prototype.actionIndex = function() {
    body: ViewModel.factory('pages/home').render()

Here's an example of how to use the default REST controller, for creating an API:

var ControllerREST = require('../lib/Controller/ControllerREST');

function ControllerAPI() {
  ControllerREST.apply(this, arguments);

require('util').inherits(ControllerAPI, ControllerREST);

// GET request (list)
ControllerAPI.prototype.actionIndex = function() {
  var response = JSON.stringify({
    hello: 'world'
  this.sendResponse(200, 'application/json', response);

// POST request (create)
ControllerAPI.prototype.actionPost = function() {
  var response = JSON.stringify({
    hello: 'world'
  this.sendResponse(200, 'application/json', response);

// PUT request (update)
ControllerAPI.prototype.actionUpdate = function() {
  var response = JSON.stringify({
    hello: 'world'
  this.sendResponse(200, 'application/json', response);

// DELETE request (delete)
ControllerAPI.prototype.actionDelete = function() {
  var response = JSON.stringify({
    hello: 'world'
  this.sendResponse(200, 'application/json', response);

module.exports = ControllerAPI;

ViewModel usage

Every view should have an associated ViewModel. You should render markup from ViewModels instead of from the views directly.

Here's an example of a basic ViewModel. You need to set the view data using the 'setData' method:

function MyViewModel() {
  ViewModel.apply(this, arguments);
    data: this.getData()

require('util').inherits(MyViewModel, ViewModel);

MyViewModel.prototype.getData = function() {
  return 'data';

Async data retrieval

You can retrieve data in the ViewModels asyncronously via Q promises.

function MyViewModel() {
  ViewModel.apply(this, arguments);
    people: this.getPeople()

require('util').inherits(MyViewModel, ViewModel);

MyViewModel.prototype.getPeople = function() {

  var deferred = q.defer();

  setTimeout(function() {
      name: 'Richard',
      surname: 'Willis'
  }, 400);

  return deferred.promise;

Client-side MVC


Sublime Text config:

This is the recommended ST2 user settings:

  "font_size": 11,
  "tab_size": 2,
  "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
  "trim_automatic_white_space": true,
  "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,
  "word_wrap": false
Extracted from project README
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