
A basic authentication scheme with Express, MongoDB, and Passport Local Strategy



The patterns shown in this repository are meant for educational purposes. While this is sufficiently secure to use for personal projects, there are considerations not mentioned in this tutorial series that should be explored for an enterprise-grade implementation.

In other words, this will get you 95% of the way there, but do you own research to ensure your implementation is secure!

How to use this Repo

This repo has three branches:

  • master
  • final
  • final-all-in-one

The master branch has a starter template for creating what is in the final branch. The final-all-in-one is a single app-all.js file that functions completely alone, while the final branch is a refactored version of that.

How to run the app

When you go to each branch, the will show you how to start the app.

The master branch is incomplete and you can follow the written or video tutorials to complete: