
Code for Ext JS in Action


Ext JS in Action example files Readme.txt.

View Resources: Book : http://manning.com/extjsinaction Examples : http://extjsinaction.com/examples App : http://app.extjsinaction.com/

Download resources:

Ext JS : http://sencha.com/products/extjs

(Example files -- prepackaged) Chapters 1-15 : http://extjsinaction.com/examples.zip Chapters 16-17 : http://app.extjsinaction.com/app.zip

(Example files -- LATEST on github) Chapters 1-15 : https://github.com/tdgi/Ext-JS-in-Action-Example-Files Chapters 16-17 : https://github.com/tdgi/ExtJS-in-action-application

** NOTE **

The contents of this directory contains example files that are to be used in conjunction with the Ext JS in action manuscript.

** ABOUT THE PHP FILES FOR CHAPTERS 15 - 16 ** The PHP files included with this zip file are required to execute the application. It includes a framework called Code Igniter, which brings MVC to PHP. Also, a MySQL database will be required, to ingest the extjsinaction.sql database dump.

You will need to modify the following file, adding your credentials: /ci/application/config/database.php