
Yet another upyun SDK for node.js which are eazy to use.

MIT License


Eazy Upyun

Yet another upyun SDK for node.js which are eazy to use.



$ npm install ez-upyun

Via Git

$ git clone https://github.com/XadillaX/ez-upyun.git

Download Manually

$ wget https://github.com/XadillaX/ez-upyun/archive/master.zip

Or open the url above in your browser.


First you should create an Upyun instance:

var Upyun = require("ez-upyun").Upyun;
var upyun = new Upyun("bucket", "user", "password");

Attention: username and password is the operator username and password for that certain bucket.

Upyun Class

Methods of Upyun class are shown below:

  • setApiDomain(domain)
  • testAuth([callback])
  • upload(filename|buffer, uploadFilename, [options], [callback])
  • download(filepath, [callback])
  • mkdir(directory, [autoParentFolder], [callback])
  • info(filepath, [callback])
  • list(directory, [callback])
  • rm(filepath, [callback])
  • fetchUsage([callback])
  • forceRemove(path, [callback]) *


You can also set the API domain to:

  • v0.api.upyun.com //自动判断最优线路
  • v1.api.upyun.com //电信线路
  • v2.api.upyun.com //联通(网通)线路
  • v3.api.upyun.com //移动(铁通)线路

Or others your customize domain. The default API domain is v0.api.upyun.com.


This method is just for testing whether your account is available. Callback function will return you two arguments, error and response header. (Someone may never call it)


upyun.testAuth(function(err, header) {
    if(err) return console.log(err.message);

You may got:

{ server: 'nginx/upyun@403',
  date: 'Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:12:07 GMT',
  'content-type': 'text/html',
  'transfer-encoding': 'chunked',
  connection: 'keep-alive',
  'access-control-allow-origin': '*' }


Upload a file to upyun server.

The arguments are shown below:

  • filename | buffer: when you pass a existing filename, ez-upyun will read your file at first and then upload it. When it's a binary buffer or string, ez-upyun will use it directly.
  • uploadFilename: this is the remote filename which you want to use. You can put a path name in it. Eg. foo/bar.jpg.
  • options: an object with some extra options:
    • mkdir: when true, Upyun will create all your precursor folder. Otherwise it will not. Default to true.
    • md5: when true, ez-upyun will calculate out the MD5 Value for your file and put it into header. Also you can calculate out the MD5 Value by your self and then put the 32 length string into this field. When false, it will never validate md5. Default to false.
    • secret: default to undefined. Once you put a string into this field, your picture bucket will protect your this upload with this secret value. Refer here.
    • mime: you can upload the file in a certain MIME type. Default to undefined.
  • callback: The callback function will pass two arguments, error and result. If successfully, result will be an object. And if your bucket is a picture one, this object will contains: {width: Number, height: Number, frames: Number, type: String}.


fs.readFile("path", function(err, data) {
    if(err) ...;
    upyun.upload(data, "foo/bar.jpg", { md5: true, secret: "fuli" }, function(err, result) {
        if(err) ...;

// Or like this...

upyun.upload("path", "foo/bar.jpg", function(err, result) {});


File path is a string, then you can download the file with that path. The binary data will pass through your callback function:

upyun.download("foo/bar.jpg", function(err, data) {
    fs.writeFile("path/bar.jpg", data, function(err) {});


Make a directory on the remote upyun server. autoParentFolder is optional, it stands for whether upyun will create the precursor folders, default to true.


upyun.mkdir("foo/bar/and/bar", true, function(err, directoryName) {});

// Or below is the same

upyun.mkdir("foo/bar/and/bar", function(err, directoryName) {});

// Or not to make precursor folders

upyun.mkdir("foo/bar/and/bar", false, function(...) {});


To get the information of one certain file or folder.

The second argument that callback throughs is an object:

    filename    : "filename",
    type        : "file|folder",    // `file` stands for a file and `folder` stands for a folder
    size        : Number,           // file size
    timestamp   : Number,           // a 10 length long integer stands for a timestamp
    date        : Date,             // a `Date` type object which matches timestamp
    dateString  : String            // a formatted date string


upyun.info("foo.jpg", function(err, info) {
    if(err) ...;


List all items in one folder (not recur). Result is an item array and each item is an object looks like below:

    filename    : "filename",
    type        : "N|F",            // `N` stands for a file and `F` stands for a folder
    size        : Number,           // file size
    timestamp   : Number,           // a 10 length long integer stands for a timestamp
    date        : Date,             // a `Date` type object which matches timestamp
    dateString  : String            // a formatted date string


upyun.list("/", function(err, list) {
    if(err) ...;
    for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {


Delete a file or an empty folder.

Attention: this function can't delete a non-empty folder.

The callback function will pass two arguments, error and filename deleted.


upyun.rm("foo/bar.jpg", function(err, filename) {});


This function will return the storage usage of your bucket. The result will be returned as an object like:

    b : Number,
    kb: Number,
    mb: Number,
    gb: Number,
    tb: Number

Each element is integral. You can use any of them.


upyun.fetchUsage(function(err, usage) {
    if(err) ...;
    console.log("You have used " + usage.b + " byte.");


Caution: use this function carefully. It can delete any remote file or folder (both empty and non-empty, it will delete recurred).

The two arguments of this function are filename / path and callback. When it's a filename or en empty folder, this function will do the same thing as rm does. When it's a non-empty folder, the function will delete this folder and all of its children file and folder.

The two arguments of callback passes are error and delete count. Delete count is an json object which contains both count of file and folder are deleted.


upyun.forceRemove("foo", function(err, delCount) {
    if(err) ...;
    console.log(delCount.file + " file(s) are deleted.");
    console.log(delCount.dir + " folder(s) are deleted.")


Only me - XadillaX so far.

You can contribute your code! You're welcome.
