
Statically load a list of font awesome icon names, that can be imported as Object-map.

MIT License


fa-constants - All font awesome keys in a constant object

No need to search in the fontawesome list, whether you have written the fa-{{key}} pattern correct or not. This package makes your IDE resolve the list of currently available (latest stable) icon classnames.

Font awesome is distributed under it's own license. This package does not claim any ownership on font awesome.


Use npm to install the package from the npm registry:

npm install --save fa-constants

Import the package to your code:

import { fa } from 'fa-constants';

or use a renamed import in case you want to name it different:

import { fa as FaConstants } from 'fa-constants';



Use autocompletion on your IDE to reveal the full list of keys in fa.

Example: insert gif here

toClass ( String ) -> String

Creates a font awesome class from a given icon id.


// icon id is 'file-o'
fa.toClass(fa.fileo); // 'fa fa-file-o'

toKey ( String ) -> String

Creates a key from a given icon id, that can be attached to an object and can trigger auto completion. Note, that all minus (-) characters are stripped to achieve this.


// icon id is 'file-o'
fa.toKey('fa-file-o'); // 'fileo

has ( String ) -> Boolean

Returns true/false if a given icon id exists.



// icon id is 'file-o'
fa.has(fa.fileo); // true
fa.has('file-o'); // true
fa.has('fa-file-o'); // true
fa.has('fa-filez-o'); // false

Development, Testing and Building

In order to build this package, you can easily make use of the already existing npm scripts.


All the commands listed bwloe are wrapped into a chained buildall command. Usually you need only to call this command in order to parse, lint, test and then build the package.

"buildall": "npm run parse && npm run test && npm run build",


At first, the latest fontawesome icon list needs to be parsed into a JSON Object:

"parse": "node parse.js",

Related: ./parse.js

Build and prepublish

There is a babel build script (for all platforms), that enbles to create a backward compatible ES5 version of the ES6 code:

"build": "node build.js",
"prepublish": "npm run build",

Related: ./build.js


There are two lint scripts (where one is using --fix) to lint the code using default specifications:

"lint": "eslint -c ./.eslintrc.json ./lib",
"lint-fix": "eslint --fix -c ./.eslintrc.json ./lib"

Note, that lint is automatically run on test.

Related: ./.eslintrc.json


The tests can be executed once or in watch mode:

 "test": "npm run lint && mocha --timeout 15000 --compilers js:babel-core/register --recursive \"tests/*.tests.js\"  \"lib/*.js\"",
 "test:watch": "npm test -- --watch",

Related: ./tests/*


You are welcome to open issues and pull requests. Please ensure, that the buildall command is always passing with 0 exit and that your feature request / pull request is backing some sort of use case.