
a website for show latest news and confirmed numbers

MIT License


Covid19 Tracker

📈 **Coronavirus Tracker ** shows the data of Сoronavirus distribution per country and in all over the world.

Main Functionality

This project has 3 main parts:

1- 🗺️confirmed cases in every country that has shown on map with gradiant of red color.

2-📈confirmed cases in all the world and in every country on chart that can show you the speed of infection.

3-📋confirmed cases and death in every country on table.

also there is related links that you can find reliable websites to read more about covid19.

Here is how the main functionality looks like:

Data source and tech-stack

The Project is using Coronavirus Tracker as a data source.

My project starter is create-react-app . In map part I've used react-jvectormap

To draw the chart I've used Victory.


To install , follow this step:

npm install


To use :

npm start