
Chat-demo for famo.us using true-size chat bubbles, snap to bottom, sticky headers & pull-to-refresh

MIT License



Chat-demo for famo.us using the famous-flex FlexScrollView. This project shows how to create a native feeling cross-platform chat application using famo.us.

The following features are demonstrated:

View the live demo here



To build the demo, make sure grunt, webpack and webpack-dev-server are installed globally:

npm install -g grunt-cli webpack webpack-dev-server

Run npm to install all dev-dependencies:

npm install

To build the output (dist-folder), run the webpack command:



To run the demo either open dist/index.html

Or use the live-reload server:

grunt serve

The app uses Firebase as backend. A demo Firebase instance is hardcoded in main.js. To use your own database, register as a new user on Firebase.com and create a new free app and give it a name. Then change the firebase URL in main.js from:

fbMessages = new Firebase('https://famous-flex-chat.firebaseio.com/messages');

to this where <your-app-name> is the name of your Firebase app:

fbMessages = new Firebase('https://<your-app-name>.firebaseio.com/messages');

The chat should now be empty and ready for new messages. No additonal steps necessary.


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© 2015 - Hein Rutjes