
Create and manage a Telegram bot, easily

MIT License



Create and manage a Telegram bot easily.

This plugin is a good wrapper around Telegraf built by a Fastify maintainer.

Why you should use this plugin compared to what you can find on Google?

  • All the blog posts and tutorials I found are outdated and use old versions of Telegraf
  • The mentioned tutorials start 2 HTTP servers, one for Fastify and one for Node.js HTTP server, because the Telegram wrapper starts its own HTTP server. This is just a waste of resources.

This plugin instead:

  • Integrates the Telegram bot into the Fastify HTTP server
  • You can use all the Fastify features, like hooks and decorators
  • It has good utilities to manage errors and the telegram features (such as polling mode)


npm install @eomm/fastify-telegram


Plugin version Fastify version Telegraf version
^1.0.0 ^4.0.0 ^4.0.0


When you register the plugin, it will add a decorator to the Fastify instance.

You can use it to access the Telegraf instance and configure your bot:

const fastify = require('fastify')
const fastifyTelegram = require('@eomm/fastify-telegram')

async function run () {
  const app = fastify({
    pluginTimeout: 10_000 // suggestion: increase the timeout

  await app.register(fastifyTelegram, {
    botToken: '123-abc', // [required] it must be a valid bot token

    // [required] in webhook mode: the base url of your webhook
    // [optional] in long polling mode: undefined
    baseUrl: 'https://example.come',

    // [optional]: customize the decorator name
    decoratorBotName: 'telegramBot',

    // [optional] this string is used to validate the incoming request
    // Ref:
    webhookSecret: 'secret',

    // [optional]: the polling mode requires an health check that slows down the startup
    // you can customize the max milliseconds to wait for the health check to pass
    waitForHealthPolling: 3_000, // default: app.initialConfig.pluginTimeout / 6

    // [optional] this function is called when an error is not handled
    // by default it logs the error using `fastify.log.error`
    // Ref:
    onUnhandledError: (err, ctx) => {
      console.log(`Ooops, encountered an error for ${ctx.updateType}`, err)

  // `app.telegramBot` is a Telegraf instance
  // Now you can start using it:
  app.telegramBot.on('text', (ctx) => ctx.reply('Hello World'))

  await app.listen({ port: 3001 })


Webhook mode

In this mode, the Telegram bot will send the updates to your server, so the plugin must know the public base url of your server.

Then, it will register a POST route at the url /telegraf/<secretPath> where <secretPath> is a random string generated by Telegraf.

You can read the Webhook secret path from the app.telegramWebhook decorator.

Long polling mode

In this mode, the plugin will start a long polling process that will fetch the updates from the Telegram server by calling the method getUpdates.

The timeout is set to 50 seconds by default, and you can't change it: it's a Telegraf limitation.


You can pass the following options to the plugin:

  • botToken: [required] it must be a valid bot token
  • baseUrl: [required] in webhook mode: the base url of your webhook; in long polling mode: undefined
  • decoratorBotName: [optional] customize the decorator name
  • webhookSecret: [optional] this string is used to validate the incoming request
  • onUnhandledError: [optional] this function is called when an error is not handled by default it logs the error using fastify.log.error


The plugin adds the following decorators to the Fastify instance:

  • app.telegramBot: the Telegraf instance
  • app.telegramWebhook: the webhook secret path (only in webhook mode)


Copyright Manuel Spigolon, Licensed under MIT.