

Facebook Ad Campaign

An Facebook Ad Campaign where we need to create campaingn and apply CRUD with expressJS. Our goal is to create, read, update and delete ad campaign in Facebook ad manager.

  1. Created Two Campaigns
  1. Running Campaign Locally
  1. Fetching Campaigns
  1. Getting Campaigns with ID
  1. Deleting an Campaigns

Before you could proceed you need to go through the below requirements.


  • Inline Code API
  • Using of Postman for fetting the Calls for CRUD


Before you install

  1. Make sure nodejs and npm is installed if not run the following command (npm install npm -g) for windows
  2. For Windows OS follow the nodejs installer
  3. Make Sure you have Postman App or USe CURL whichever you feel comfortable.

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.

git clone https://github.com/shubham14p3/fb-crud-ad-campaign-node-express.git

Install Packages

Run the following code : npm install

Built With

  • NodeJS,
  • Express,
  • FB SDK
  • NPM

Running Test Cases

  1. nmp start
  2. Go to browser or Postman : localhost:3000 to check the npm is working or not
  3. localhost:3000/campaign to get campaign
  4. localhost:3000/campaign/ID to get details
  5. Use Postman or Curl to use CRUD


  1. Remeber to get the Access Token
  2. Remeber to Get the Ad Account ID
  3. Place it into the Json fine


👤 Shubham Raj

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.