
Rename Multiple Files in a Folder. This can be tweaked several ways


File Renamer

Rename Multiple Files in a Folder

This was inspired by, and is based on a gist by Scriptex, index.js. I have modified it to suit my purpose. I have been downloading books from Zlibrary and the downloaded files have a naming format:

Eg. [WessCoby]_Rename_Multiple_Files_in_a_Folder(

The Key things i want from this file name string are just the file name and authors(s) And i want to rename each file to:

Filename - Author(s).extension
Eg. Rename Multiple Files in a Folder - WessCoby.pdf

Renaming Process

  • Use filePattern to filter for files that need to be renamed
  • Use authorPattern to extract Author name(s), and assign to the variable author and remove underscores
  • Use bookNamePattern to extract book name and assign to the variable book and remove underscores
  • Combine book and author and assign to newName.
  • Format: book - @author.extension


  • Create a new folder named Files in the root directory and place the files to be renamed in it.
  • In the index file, create your pattern (with a rename method)
  • There are two ways to use the pattern:
    • First call RenameFiles.usePattern(patternClass). Then RenameFiles.exec()
    • Second, RenameFiles.exec({ usePattern: patternClass })
      NB: RenameFiles.exec() returns a Promise:
      RenameFiles.exec({ usePattern: patternClass }).then( console.log ).catch( console.error );
  • Then use either npm start, node index or node . to run.
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