
A fullstack MERN app that fetches film information from The Movie Database API.



Displays information fetched from The Movie Database API. Users can register and log in and save their favourite films.

This project was started while following along with LevelUpTuts' React 16 For Everyone course. It has been majorly built up since then, but the course was great at instilling some modern React techniques and practices into my workflow including async/await, ESLint, PropTypes and default props.

Tech stack

  • Node with Express
  • MongoDB and Mongoose
  • React (from Create-React-App)
  • React-Router
  • Styled Components
  • React Testing Library with Jest

Test and deploy

Presets for Create-React-App

  • npm start to start the development server.
  • npm build to build.
  • npm run test to test.


Check it out at