
A script to find dead javascript modules/files in your project



npm install -g find-dead-modules


Navigate to a javascript project of some sort and run find-dead-modules. E.g.

 cd ~/my-awesome-project

Interpreting results

When no unused/dead modules are found, the script prints nothing and has an exit code of zero.

Any unused/dead modules that are found are loggged to stdout, one file path per line. An exit code of 1 will signal that one or more of these were found.


The script reads your .gitignore file to figure out what can be safely ignored. Apart from that, you can't configure anything right now. This is likely to change when the script has proven to be useful.

How does it work?

On a high level perspective, this is what find-dead-modules does:

  1. Gets a list of all javascript files (js, jsx, json, ts, tsx) from a
    project, ignoring anything inside a node_modules folder.
  2. Parses all these files for any reference to another file. These include
    import statements, require expressions, and raw strings that look like they
    might reference a javascript file.
  3. Compares the list of all files against the list of referenced files. Outputs
    anything that isn't referenced.