
A general NFT minter using Flashbots


Flashbots NFT Minter

This is a custom implementation of a custom NFT minter using flashbots relay.

It is configured via .env file (on its first version), and it enables you to escape the Dark Forest when trying to collect your so valued NFTs

How does it work?

  1. Copy the .env.example file into a .env file
  2. Fill the values according to reference
  3. Just go to your terminal and run yarn start


Variable Description
ETHERS_CHAIN_ID ID of the chain where the transaction is going to be executed
FLASHBOTS_RELAY_ENDPOINT Flashbots relay endpoint. Must be according to the chain id provided. More info.
FLASHBOTS_AUTH_SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY Private key for the auth account used to build your reputation over time. More info.
MAX_FEE_PER_GAS_GWEI Max fee per gas provided for the transaction in gwei
MAX_PRIORITY_FEE_PER_GAS_GWEI Max priority fee per gas provided for the transaction in gwei
NFT_MINTER_PRIVATE_KEY Private key used to transact against the NFT Contract Address
NFT_VALUE_WEI The amount of wei required to mint the NFT
NFT_DATA This is the data field to send within the transaction against the contract. It should be the call to the MINT function with its arguments (ABI Encoded)
NFT_ADDRESS NFT Contract Address