
Node.js example application for demos/comparisons with deployment technologies

APACHE-2.0 License



Flightassist is a Node.js example application for demonstrating and comparing various application deployment technologies in the IBM Bluemix public cloud.

The intent for this project, when complete, is that it will be deployable as a Cloud Foundry application, a containerized application using at least one factored-out microservice, and as a set of functions deployable to OpenWhisk, the IBM Bluemix function-as-a-service offering.

Specifically, a set of trade-offs and comparisons can be made between these deployment models, and this application is a proving ground for those discussions. This will be the basis for the talk given by Lin Sun and Phil Estes at IBM Interconnect 2017 titled Containerize, PaaS, or Go Serverless? A Case Study in Application Deployment Models.

Development configuration

This application relies on four distinct services; two of which are available in the IBM Bluemix service catalog: the Cloudant NoSQL DB and The Weather Company weather data service. You can use the free tier variants of both of these services and connect them to your Bluemix hosted CF application.

The two non-Bluemix services used are API credentials for TripIt and FlightStats.

Note that the application uses the Connections API for FlightStats, which is only available under a 30-day trial license key, or under a commercial premium account with FlightStats.

For detailed deployment guides for the various application models supported in the flightassist code and configuration, see the Deployment Guides section below.

Application design/layout

The "CF mode" of the application is as a single Node.js application on the server, providing multiple HTTP endpoints for data/API access from a live "AJAX"/HTML5 web front-end.

The application flow starts with an Oauth2-based authentication step against the TripIt API (see the /authorize handler). Since we are wanting to query a user's set of upcoming trips, the user authorizes our application to their TripIt data via this Oauth2 flow.

On authentication success, the callback URL provided to TripIt will start the query of trip data at our /flights endpoint, beginning by storing the access tokens in the HTTP session and accessing the user's TripIt profile for basic user details.

At the end of the /flights handling the results page is rendered which will begin the use of AJAX callbacks into the application, which will use the stored token data in the session for further calls to TripIt.

The first callback simply calls /tripdata to perform a pull of the user's trip data from TripIt which we will post-process and cache into Cloudant. Because of our cache, only flight changes will cause us to update, and a timestamp will decrease our round-trips to TripIt to only request "updated since" content.

TODO: We do have to add a remove trips sweep on some interval as the TripIt API recommendations note that trip deletion is not provided in the "updated since" API flow. Without this, a user might be shown a trip which they have already deleted in TripIt.

Our processing of TripIt data throws away all information except for "air segment" data, as our application only shows details related to flights. This decreases our cacheing and resolution of updates when round-tripping to TripIt for any recent updates.

On the client side, the trips.js client script will take the results of the /tripdata AJAX call and fill out a results section with either a notification that no upcoming trips were found, or that the next trip is over 24 hours in the future. Our application is most useful when a trip is starting soon, as it will update the user about potential flight issues and show alternate connecting routes between their origin and destination airports.

If the user does have an upcoming flight within the next 24 hours those flights will be displayed and a series of AJAX callbacks will begin to gather weather and flight status data for the results. Weather data will be cached given our free tier API key will quickly exhaust its API limits.

As results are gathered client-side from the /weather, /conninfo, and /flightinfo endpoints, the results display will be updated with this additional information for the user of the application.

Containerized application model

The first common step to containerize an existing application is to use a strategy termed "lift and shift." Just like how it sounds, you simply take the application as-is and place it inside a container image with the same basic application characteristics and requirements. You gain the ability to now use it in various more complex deployment flows that use container images, but other than that you've left the application unchanged.

For flightassist, you can run the containerized version in a local environment (assuming you have the docker client installed and configured) by using the localctr Makefile target.

Note: Because you don't have a cloud foundry instance handling environment configuration, similar to running on your local system in development mode you will need to copy the dot-env file to .env and insert all required API keys and secrets/configuration parameters in this local file. This .env file is ignored by git in this repo configuration and therefore saves you the embarrassment of checking in a set of secrets/credentials.

A Makefile has been created for automating simple docker build and docker run steps on your local system. Simply use make localctr to build and run the image from your local clone of this repo after creating the .env file and populating it with the required information.

Alternatively, if your local shell is set up and authenticated to the IBM Bluemix container service, you can use the make bxdeploy target. You must have the local shell configured with DOCKER_HOST for this to use the IBM container service as the target Docker engine. See this documentation on the client configuration in Bluemix to configure these variables. If the cf ic tools are already installed and your command line is already set up/logged in you can use cf ic init to display the three environment variables you need to export to use your docker client targeting the IBM container service. To simplify your workflow, you may add these variables to the .env file and then the Makefile targets interacting with the Bluemix container service will work without any extra configuration.


Given this "lift and shift" model is just a stepping stone to more adantageous use of containerized architectures, we've taken the weather endpoint from the Node.js application and created a separate containerized microservice for retrieving weather data. Because containers and microservices decouple our application components, you'll notice that our weather microservice does not need to be written in Node.js nor does it use any of the same dependencies of our monolithic application. In this case, we've used Python as a simple language in which to write the weather data retrieval service.

You can find the code for our weather microservice in the flightassist-weather Github repository.

Of course, the fact that we can develop these microservices in a parallel but separate space means we can improve the weather service or refactor it, or change its backend data source without impacting development of the main application.

FaaS application model

Similar to our initial baby step to break out the weather API query into a microservice, our FaaS model takes that same capability (our weather lookup) and offloads it to an OpenWhisk-based action in IBM Bluemix. Because the OpenWhisk system packages already include a weather forecast lookup using our same IBM Weather Insights API credentials, it was simple to call this OpenWhisk action via its default HTTP endpoint already available in the OpenWhisk ecosystem through this default system package.

It would be interesting to continue to grow the use of FaaS in flightassist by writing new actions in OpenWhisk that handle the entire cache lookup, external API query (if needed), and cache update/formatted response work as a single callable action.

Deployment Guides

The following sections provide specific step-by-step guides for deploying flightassist using the various models described to this point.

External service pre-requisites

All deployment methods require credentials for a set of services used by the application. Without these service configurations and their credentials the application will not work properly.

The first two services are part of IBM's Bluemix cloud service catalog. To create instances of these services for free, you can create a 30-day trial account at this Bluemix sign-up page.

Once you have a Bluemix account, you can create "Free tier" instances of both a Cloudant NoSQL database and the Weather Insights API. For simplicity, links to these services are below:

Note: Cloud Foundry power users will know that you can create service instances via the cf command line tool.

Once you have created free tier instances of these services, you can view your credentials and, for each, copy the url variant of the credential info in the next steps when asked for the WEATHER_URL or CLOUDANT_URL.

Before moving on, the demo application is missing code to create the databases used to cache API responses in your newly created Cloudant instance. One simple way to make sure these databases are initialized is through the Bluemix console UI. Go to your new Cloudant service and open the Cloudant UI console using the link from your service instance page. Once at the Cloudant console you will need to create the trips, weather, and connections databases for the cacheing code to work properly.

Note that if you deploy the application to Cloud Foundry in IBM Bluemix, you will also create CF service bindings between your service instances and the application you deploy, relieving you of the need to set up environmental parameters with the credential details. Information on that step is below in the Cloud Foundry section.

With your two IBM Bluemix services instantiated with credentials assigned, you will also be required to create a developer account for both the TripIt API and the FlightStats API. The following links will take you to the appropriate signup pages for these two developer APIs.

When signing up for a FlightStats developer key, note that there is a review process that may take 24 hours or more to get your application credentials activated for a 30-day trial with the API.

Once you have valid credentials to all four services, you can use any of the following application deployment models to use and demonstrate the application behavior.

Standalone Node.js monolithic application

To run flightassist as a standalone Node.js application, the system on which you want to run the application requires an installation of Node.js/npm utilities and optionally make (to utilize the Makefile targets set up for ease of deployment configuration).

  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/estesp/flightassist
  2. Copy dot-env to .env: cd flightassist && cp dot-env .env
  3. Edit .env and fill in all required credentials from your four services
  4. Leave DEVMODE and DEV_URL as set as this will allow the local deployment
  5. Read about the rest of the variables; make sure USE_WEATHER_SERVICE=false
  6. If using the Makefile type make localdeploy to run npm and start the Node application.

If you performed the setup steps correctly, you now have a working application which you can visit locally via http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Cloud Foundry monolithic application hosted in IBM Bluemix

Pushing the Node.js application to Bluemix as a CF application is quite similar to running the Node.js application locally. The main steps to perform are in the Bluemix console for binding the Bluemix catalog service instances to your application and setting up the external API credentials as environment variables.

Because we already have a manifest.yml in the root of the project, you can get started by simply using cf push from the root of the repository:

  1. Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/estesp/flightassist
  2. Edit manifest.yml and select your own application name and host. Since my application instance already owns the route flightassist on mybluemix.net you will have to select a unique name.
  3. Edit flightassist.js to set the baseURL variable (around line 16) to your selected CF route hostname.
  4. Either type cf push after making these edits or make cfdeploy to do the same action.
  5. Once your application is deployed, you need to make service bindings; go to the Bluemix console, open your application and use the UI to bind your two Bluemix services (Cloudant and Weather Data) to your application.
  6. Go to the Runtime settings for your application and add these four environment variables to set up external credentials to the TripIt and FlightStats services:
  • FLIGHTSTATS_APP_ID : application ID assigned by FlightStats
  • FLIGHTSTATS_APP_KEY : application key assigned by FlightStats
  • TRIPIT_API_KEY : API key assigned by TripIt
  • TRIPIT_API_SECRET : API secret assigned by TripIt

Your application should restart automatically, but can be done manually as well in the UI. With the service bindings and added environment variables, the application should be operational at the hostname route you selected for your CF application. Note that the FORCE_FLIGHT_VIEW variable can optionally be set to true as an added environment variable for demonstrating the application function even if no flights are upcoming in the next day with the TripIt user credentials authorized via the application.

Local Docker container deployment as a monolithic application

To deploy the application wholesale in a Docker container, the project already includes a simple "lift and shift" Dockerfile that packages the application very similar to the standalone model already discussed. The only benefit is that the image can be reused and doesn't force the local system to have any of the Node.js SDK dependencies installed.

  1. Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/estesp/flightassist
  2. Copy dot-env to .env: cd flightassist && cp dot-env .env
  3. Edit .env and fill in all required credentials from your four services
  4. Leave DEVMODE and DEV_URL as set as this will allow the local deployment
  5. Read about the rest of the variables; make sure USE_WEATHER_SERVICE=false
  6. Use the Makefile to perform the docker build and docker run: make localctr
  7. Note you can also build/rebuild the container image using the Makefile: make localimage

Very similar to the standalone non-containerized application version, you can visit http://localhost:3000 and use the application as this port is exposed from the running container.

IBM Container Service (legacy) deployment as a monolithic application

You can also use the legacy IBM Container Service capability to point your docker client at the hosted public container service API endpoint and registry and deploy the same single container runtime, and have public IP address assignment, simple container group (scaling) capability, and image vulnerability scanning. The steps are the same as running Docker locally with the following changes:

  1. Make sure you are logged in with the cf ic login command (Requires the IBM Container Service plugin)
  2. Get the required settings for the DOCKER_HOST and other variables (re-run cf ic init to have them displayed in your terminal) and place them in the appropriate locations in your .env file.
  3. Assuming you have your environment configured properly, you can now type make bxdeploy to build your container image, tag and push it to the IBM private registry and then run it in the IBM container service.

Now that IBM Bluemix has released the Kubernetes-based cluster capability for the IBM Container Service in beta, see the Kubenetes deployment section below for a more up-to-date method for deployment the microservice-based variant of flightassist in this new Bluemix beta service.

Docker Swarm-based micro-service based application deployment

With the advent of Docker Swarm in Docker 1.12 and above, you can use a recent installation of the Docker engine with Swarm enabled (docker swarm init) and the new Docker Compose v3.1 format to deploy flightassist as a containerized micro-service-using application onto a Swarm cluster.

This deployment will use the new docker secret and docker stack deploy capabilities of Docker 1.13.1 and above, so the minimum required Docker version is 1.13.1. Docker for Mac updated to the most recent edition is a great way to try this out.

  1. Clone the project: git clone https://github.com/estesp/flightassist
  2. Copy dot-env to .env: cd flightassist && cp dot-env .env
  3. Edit .env and fill in all required credentials from your four services
  4. Uncomment DEPLOY and set the value to swarm
  5. Make sure export USE_WEATHER_SERVICE=true is uncommented
  6. Clone the weather microservice project: git clone https://github.com/estesp/flightassist-weather
  7. Enter that project directory and type: make localimage to get the image built (depended on by the compose service definition)
  8. Go back to the root of the flightassist repo and type make swarmdeploy. This will first create the secrets using the values you have placed in .env using the docker secret create command and then use the docker stack deploy command to bring up your two services in the Swarm.

The application should be available now on http://localhost, assuming you are using a local Docker edition (like Docker for Mac) or a locally installed Docker daemon on a Linux system. If the application is hosted on a known IP or host, you can modify the docker-compose.yaml file with those details and access the application on that host/IP information. All the standard Swarm tools can be used to view logs or validate that the services are up and running properly.

Docker + Kubernetes based application deployment (minikube)

The yaml files for a Kubernetes deployment of the weather microservice and the main application have been created in the base repository and tested.

Concrete instructions for making a local deployment with minikube is coming soon.

Docker + Kubernetes based application deployment (IBM Container Service beta)

The yaml files exist in the repository for creating a Kubernetes deployment with the weather microservice and the main application.

  1. Follow the create kubernetes cluster tutorial to create the kubernetes cluster in IBM Container service [https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/containers/cs_tutorials.html#cs_tutorials].

  2. Create the cloudant and weather insight service if you don't have them deployed yet:

  • bx service create cloudantNoSQLDB Lite mycloudant
  • bx service create weatherinsights Free-v2 myweatherinsights
  1. Bind the two services to the kubernete cluster deployed earlier:
  • bx cs cluster-service-bind {your-cluster-name} default mycloudant
  • bx cs cluster-service-bind {your-cluster-name} default myweatherinsights

The examples above use the default kubernetes namespace and you could choose a different namespace.

  1. Modify the secret.yaml file with flightstats-app-id, flightstats-app-key, tripit-api-key, and tripit-api-secret.

  2. Edit the flightassist.yaml and replace the <namespace> with your own namespace. Also replace with the endpoint of the application. If you are using the free cluster provided by IBM Container service, this is your node ip and nodeport, e.g.

  3. Deploy the secret and deployment:

  • kubectl create -f secret.yaml
  • kubectl create -f flightassist.yaml

Existing application deployment + OpenWhisk action for Weather API

Instead of using the weather microservice container, the code allows us to utilize any of the "monolith" deployment models (standalone, hosted CF, or containerized), but use an OpenWhisk action to handle the weather forecast query. Thanks to OpenWhisk built-in system packages, which includes a weather API, we don't even have to write our own action to try it out with a simple weather forecast lookup.

Use any of the above guides with the following changes to use the existing OpenWhisk system action to call the Weather Insights API:

  1. Edit your .env and unset the USE_WEATHER_SERVICE=true if it was set
    (or set it to false)
  2. Uncomment the export USE_WEATHER_SERVERLESS=true (or add it if you don't
    have this variable copied in from the dot-env template)
  3. Login to the IBM Bluemix console and set up the OpenWhisk client, making sure
    to run the setup command to set the host and authentication parameters.
  4. Run wsk property get --auth | awk '{print $3}' to get the authentication
    string from OpenWhisk and set a new variable in .env: export OPENWHISK_AUTH=<auth-string with
    the data you got back from the get --auth command.
  5. Run your deployment of flightassist and verify in your logs that the
    OpenWhisk action is being utilized to query the weather data for each airport.