
Tiny testing utility for gathering FPS statistics



Performance testing certain types of things (eg FPS while a user is scrolling) can be tricky. Manual tests yield highly variable results which in turn makes A/B comparisons unreliable. This utility allows you to create simple, async test cases that can be run until a confidence interval is reached (aka a reliable FPS measurement has been taken).


Using Npm:

npm install --save-dev fps-measurer

UMD build:

<script src="https://npmcdn.com/fps-measurer/dist/umd/fps-measurer.js"></script>


Here is a basic example of how you can structure your tests:

import { TestRunner } from './TestRunner'

function yourTestCase (callback) {
  // Your test case goes here...
  // When it's done, invoke callback()
  // You can also return a Promise instead if you prefer that syntax

const testRunner = new TestRunner(yourTestCase)

// Will run until an acceptable confidence interval has been established.
// You can pass this function a callback (to be called on complete)
// Or you can await its returned Promise for completion
const data = await testRunner.start()
data.duration // mean duration across all runs
data.framerate // mean framerate across all runs

TestRunner API

constructor(testCase: Function, { maxSampleSize: number, minSampleSize: number })

The only required arugment for instantiating a TestRunner is a test case. Your test case can accept a callback or it can return a Promise to indicate completion. Optionally you may pass a configuration object to override the default min and max sample size (min = 5, max = 10 by default).

isRunning(): boolean

Tests are currently running.

start(completeCallback: ?Function): Promise

Start tests. You can pass a callback (to be executed on completion, and passed a data object) or youc an listen for the returned Promise. Calling this method when tests are already running will return a rejected Promise.


Stops a running test. This method will error if tests are not running.