
"Visual", no-hassle navigation in HTML using IR remote / arrow keys

MIT License



"Visual", no-hassle navigation in HTML using IR remote / arrow keys.

Intended for HTML5 applications where arrow keys or IR remote control is essential: SmartTV applications, set-top box UI, etc.

Many current devices are able to use mouse pointer: LG Magic Remote, Samsung Smart Touch Remote, USB Wireless mouse, etc. Implementing two different navigation schemes is hard.

FreeFocus lets you stick with the easy one (pointer device, we used to it in Web UI) and handles the hard one (direction keys) in the most unobtrusive way.

No need to operate separate logical navigation structures (lists, grids, etc). Just use HTML for UI and let FreeFocus navigate it "visually" — using positions of focusable elements on page. If user pressed "right", just move focus to focusable element placed to the right of the current focused one. It's that easy.

It can be used as a polyfill for CSS3 UI nav-* directional focus navigation.

Uses W3C WICD Current Focus Point Algorithm for focus traversal.


VanillaJS core:

jQuery plugin:

Getting Started

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.freefocus.min.js"></script>
$(function() {
  $.freefocus({hoverFocus: true});

That's it, now you have it all set up.

Core Documentation

TBD, sorry. See Source for now.

jQuery Plugin Documentation

$.freefocus({options...}, {moveOptions...})

Set up keyboard navigation.


  • focusedSelector - selector for currently focused (or active) element. default: ':focus'
  • hoverFocus - focus target elements on mouse enter. default: false
  • throttle - throttle key input for specified time (in milliseconds).
    You'll need underscore.js included to use this feature. default: false

Move options are passed to $.fn.freefocus


Remove previously set keyboard navigation.

$.freefocus('cache', options)

Compute and cache dimension information for focusable elements. Options: focusablesSelector, focusablesFilter, focusablesContext


Move "focus" from active element to one of the targets by triggering specified event.


  • move - move direction: left | right | up | down. no default
  • focusablesSelector - selector for navigation targets. default: a long selector describing all focusable options in web browsers.
    You may want to provide something shorter to improve performance or use :focusable from jQuery UI.
  • focusablesFilter — selector that filters targets after they were selected using focusablesSelector.
    Separated for performance reasons. default: ':visible'
  • focusablesContext — element or selector, conext for navigation targets search. default: undefined
  • targets - jQuery object containing "focusable" elements. no default
    You should supply either focusablesSelector/Filter (preferred if you use nav-*) or explicit targets.
  • debug - print weighting information over targets. default: false
  • trigger - event to trigger on selected target. default: 'focus'
  • preTrigger - event to trigger on selected target before the trigger one. default: false (don't trigger)
    Useful if trigger is focus to move the next focused element into view to avoid native behavior.
  • maxDistance - maximum distance to element to still consider moving to it. default: Infinity
  • cache - cache dimension information for element. default: false
    You'll need to manually reset cache for moved elements by using $(element).freefocus('moved')


Get element dimensions {top, left, width, height}. Uses cache, if it's enabled.


Clear cached dimension info for element. Should be triggered for every element that is moved, if using cache.

$.fn.freefocus('nav', hints)

Set hints (see next chapter for details).

Hints argument is either:

  • hints object - example: { left: 'none', right: '#someId' }. no default
  • clear - special string value, clear all nav hints from the element

nav-* hints

Allows for fine-grained control over focus movements. FreeFocus implements CSS3 UI nav-* directional focus navigation specification with few differences:

  • targeting frames is not supported
  • added special value none, which disables focus movement in the specified direction. e.g. nav-left: none; means that pressing left arrow does nothing
  • added reading JavaScript counterparts to css properties: navLeft, navRight, navUp, navDown. e.g. domNode.navLeft = '#someId';
  • full jQuery selector syntax allowed. In case of multiple elements matching the selector, FreeFocus would navigate to the first that is really focusable (using focusablesSelector and focusablesFilter)
  • if the hint targets multiple elements, FreeFoucs will search for the best target using spacial navigation rules
  • listing multiple hints separated by ; allows to set priorities: they will be matched in a listed order one by one. first that matches any vaild tagret would be taken

Hints could be specified using

  • HTML tags style attribute: nav-left, nav-right, nav-up, nav-down
  • JavaScript counterparts to CSS properties: navLeft, navRight, navUp, navDown
  • data attributes: <button data-nav-left="selector">
  • FreeFocus API on top of data attributes: $.fn.freefocus('nav')


  • 0.11.2 Added overwrite argument to setHint (true by default)
  • 0.11.1 More consistent core API
  • 0.11.0 Extracted the jQuery-less core into freefocus.js
  • 0.10.3 Freefocus now logs errors to console and uses safe fallback instead of throwing errors
  • 0.10.2 Fixed freefocus('cache')
  • 0.10.1 Removed lots of jQuery calls from code, speedup is imminent
  • 0.10.0 Supported targets option to be a function that returns focusable elements instead of using focusablesSelector and focusablesFilter
  • 0.9.0 Freefocus returns focus target (or self if no target found) instead of self
  • 0.8.8 Optimized custom event triggering
  • 0.8.7 Element dimensions doesn't include border anymore
  • 0.8.6 Allowed nav hints to target outside focusablesContext
  • 0.8.5 Fixed contiguous target navigation
  • 0.8.4 Supported clearing nav hints
  • 0.8.3 Supported merging nav hints
  • 0.8.2 Changed target separator to ;
  • 0.8.1 Added data-nav-* attributes support
  • 0.8.0 Added jQuery syntax support, added $.fn.freefocus('nav') method
  • 0.7.0 Added focusablesContext option. Moved focusables* options from setupOptions to moveOptions.
  • 0.6.0 Added focusablesFilter setup option. Added optional focusablesSelector and focusablesFilter move options which has better performance over targets when used with nav-* props.
  • 0.5.4 Added special none value for nav-* properties.
  • 0.5.3 Fixed the bug when freefocus tries to focus invisible element if it's found by CSS3 directional props.
  • 0.5.2 Added preTrigger event.
  • 0.5.1 Added selector parameter to caching function. Cleaned up code a bit.
  • 0.5.0 Added support for caching focusable elements dimensions. Speeds up navigation on slow devices.
  • 0.4.2 Fixed using spatial navigation algorithm as a fallback for nav-* properties.
  • 0.4.1 Added maxDistance option. Focus point now stored relative to focused element, so it's consistent even if element is moved / scrolled.
  • 0.4.0 Implemented WICD Current focus point focus navigation algorithm.
  • 0.3.1 Support for non-standard arrow key codes. Added input throttling option (using UnderscoreJS, if available).
  • 0.3.0 Rewritten in vanilla JavaScript for easier maintenance.
  • 0.2.2 Fixed double movement for platforms that already implement spatial navigation.
  • 0.2.1 Added support for navLeft DOM properties in addition to nav-left CSS properties.
  • 0.2.0 Added support for CSS3 UI nav-* directional focus navigation properties. Changed naming style from under_scores to camelCase.
  • 0.1.1 Updated minor stuff like readme, packaging, documentation
  • 0.1.0 Initial version