
An FRP implementation of Elm.Keyboard in JS

MIT License



An FRP implementation of Elm.Keyboard in JS


var Keyboard = require("frp-keyboard");

var keyboard = Keyboard()

keyboard.wasd(function (coords) {
  console.log('x', coords.x, 'y', coords.y)

// keys is an Array<Number>
keyboard.keysDown(function (keys) {
  console.log('keys down', keys)


var keyboard = Keyboard()

import { Observ } from 'observ'

type KeyCode := Number
type Direction = 'left' | 'right' | 'up' | 'down' | 'void'
type Coord := {
    x: Number,
    y: Number,
    lastPressed: Direction

frp-keyboard := () => {
    arrows: Observ<Coord>,
    wasd: Observ<Coord>,
    ctrl: Observ<Boolean>,
    shift: Observ<Boolean>,
    isDown: (keyCode: KeyCode) => Observ<Boolean>,
    keysDown: Observ<Array<keyCode: KeyCode>>,
    lastPressed: Observ<keyCode: KeyCode>,
    directions: (
        up: KeyCode, down: KeyCode, left: KeyCode, right: KeyCode
    ) => Observ<Coord>

Keyboard() returns a keyboard object with a set of observables and functions over observables.

A lot of the values in frp-keyboard are instances of Observ from the 'observ' module


keyboard.arrows is an observable that contains the state of the arrow keys as a tuple { x: Number, y: Number }

You can read from keyboard.arrows by calling it as a function with an optional listener function

var currentX = keyboard.arrows().x

keyboard.arrows(function (tuple) {
  console.log('x', tuple.x)

keyboard.arrows also has a .lastPressed property on the returned co-ordinate so you can determine whether a diagonal state of { x: 1, y: 1 } was up, right or right, up


Just like keyboard.arrows, it allows you to read the state of the wasd keys instead.

keyboard.directions(up, down, left, right)

If you want to define your own set of direction keys you can use the directions(). This will return an observable that returns the { x: Number, y: Number } tuple.

var hjkl = keyboard.directions(
  74, // j
  75, // k
  72, // h
  76  // l

hjkl(function (coords) {
  console.log('coords.x', coords.x, 'coords.y', coords.y)

keyboard.ctrl and keyboard.shift

keyboard.ctrl and keyboard.shift are observable booleans that tell you whether ctrl and shift are pressed down.

var xDown = keyboard.keyDown(Number)

keyDown() returns an observable boolean that tells you whether said key is down.

You pass keyDown a numeric value that matches the keyCode

You can find a list of what the numeric key codes are on MDN


keysDown is an observable containing an array of key codes.

The keysDown observable represents the lists of keys that are currently being pressed down.

var computed = require('observ/computed')
var Keyboard = require('frp-keyboard')
var keyboard = Keyboard()

var keysDown = keyboard.keysDown

var isEnter = computed([keysDown], function (keysDown) {
  return keysDown.some(function (keyCode) {
    return keyCode === 13 // ENTER


lastPressed is an observable that contains the last keycode that was pressed by the user.


npm install frp-keyboard


npm test


  • Raynos

MIT Licenced