
A tool for verifying that changes to a package do not affect projects dependent upon it.

MIT License



A tool for verifying that changes to a package do not affect projects dependent upon it.


Most projects fortunate enough to see wider use end up with a tension between changes that move things forward and consumers that depend on features and behaviours of existing versions.

Fugl intends to provide a way to address that question by providing automation around gaining confidence that forward progress does not come at the expense of compatibility.

Relevant discussion at npm.


Interactively with npx

To check a project currently being worked on the Fugl binary can be invoked via npx. The current directory is scanned for package.json and tested against the listed projects:

npx fugl --projects https://github.com/alexjeffburke/jest-unexpected

You can also specify the npm name of projects and Fugl will try to discover the repository:

npx fugl --projects assert-the-unexpected

Installed as a CLI

The module can also also installed globally or as a project dependency and provides a fugl binary.

npm install -g fugl
fugl --package <packageName>@<packageVersion> --projects https://github.com/someone/somepackage

By default, Fugl will output the success or failure of the tests it performs to the console. You can also specify other reporters, and they correspond to the names of mocha reporters. Perhaps of most interest is the HTML reporter, which will write a self contained breakage report that can be viewed within the browser:

fugl --package unexpected --projects https://github.com/alexjeffburke/jest-unexpected --reporter html

// ...

open breakage/index.html


Fugl supports configuration being supplied to it as a JSON file. This becomes particularly convenient when checking a series of dependents and this list be checked into version control.

Configuration files are loaded by supplying a --config parameter to the fugl binary:

fugl --config .fugl.json

An example basic JSON configuration file for testing certain module repositories would look something like the following:

  "projects": [

Each project can also be specified by an object, and this can contain properties that enable the same options available on the command line. An example configuration to test a particular npm package would look as below:

  "projects": [
      "name": "shoulder",
      "test": "npm run coverage",
      "pretest": true


When executing tests against a package, a number of hooks are supported to customise and/or extend the commands being executed against each package.

  "projects": [
      "name": "shoulder",
      "test": "npm run coverage",
      "afterinstall": "echo 'directly after package installation'",
      "aftertest": "echo 'directly after executing the tests'"

Command line interface

The Fugl CLI is desgined to be helpful and, in the absence of a package to use when testing, the current working directory is checked for a package.json file and if found is used as the code to test.

Chaining via stdin

Projects to be tested also be supplied via stdin. In practice, this means that other tools producing space separated package name/repository arguments can be directly piped in using UNIX shell facilities:

echo 'unexpected-sinon' | xargs | fugl check --package unexpected

Automatic dependent fetching

The support for chaining allows Fugl to be used in conjunction with sister tool shoulder to deduce a set of dependents for a package automatically and have these tested for compatibitility.


Testing the most downloaded packages that depend on your module can be achieved with:

shoulder --metric downloads unexpected | fugl --package unexpected


Testing the most starred packages that depend on your module - by using the repository information in their package.json files and issuing queries to GitHub to retrieve the number of stars each has - can be achieved with:

for any supplied projects and then issue queries to GitHub to retrieve the number of stars each project has. Using this is as simple as:

shoulder --metric stars unexpected | fugl --package unexpected

Dependency information via Liraries.IO

One limitation of the npm dependents data is that it only includes information about those packages listed as direct depedents. In order to fetch devDependencies, package dependency information can be requested from Libraries.IO.

Signing up for this tool will provide you with an API key which can be used with Fugl as follows:

shoulder --librariesio <api_key> unexpected | fugl --package unexpected


Internally Fugl is implemented as a mocha-esque test runner. As checks are executed events are emitted which are passed into reporters that generate output information. A default reporter is included which outputs to the console.

In the case of the HTML reporter, we use JSDOM as the output document and serialise a report on exit.


This tool started began as a fork of dont-break but the drift of use-cases required a substantial rework and thus Fugl was born. Since then the entire codebase has been rewritten.

Compatibility with dont-break

Some effort was made to continue to support users of dont-break. The fugl binary accept a config parameter which can be used to load a dont-break JSON config file:

fugl --config .dont-break.json

As development has continued, previous configurations my require changes as functionality is replaced:

  • config files containing an array of projects at the top level
// .dont-break.json
["project1", "project2"]

// must be rewritten as:
  "projects": ["project1", "project2"]
  • config files containing topDownloads or topStarred
// for topDownloads
shoulder --metric downloads .

// for topStarred
shoulder --metric stars .