
ResumeFlow is an online AI-powered resume builder that allows users to quickly and easily create and download professional resumes. It caters to job seekers by offering real-time content suggestions. The platform simplifies the resume creation process, ensuring a polished final product.



ResumeFlow is an online AI-powered resume builder that allows users to quickly and easily create and download professional resumes. It caters to job seekers by offering real-time content suggestions. The platform simplifies the resume creation process, ensuring a polished final product.

Project Type

Frontend | Backend

Project Images

Deployed Link

Video Walkthrough of the project

Project presentation video


  • Personal Information Section: Enter and display basic details like name, contact information, and address.
  • Work Experience: Add job titles, company names, and employment dates.
  • Education: List degrees, institutions, and graduation dates.
  • Skills:Create a list of technical and soft skills.
  • PDF Export: Export the resume as a PDF.
  • Responsive Design: It is ensured that the resume looks good on all devices.

Tech Stack

  • HTML: Provides the structure and content for the web page.

  • CSS: Handles the UI and styling, ensuring an appealing visual presentation.

  • Shadcn: It is used for front-end framework for creating responsive website

  • React: It is used to create dynamic website

  • Others: Clerk (for authentication)

    How to Use

To run this project locally:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

  2. npm install

  3. npm run dev


  • Ikbal Hussain
  • Dhananjay
  • Imaran
  • Shouvick


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Special thanks to the our mentor Ritesh Ranjan

for giving us direction and feedback for this project.