
Simple app using Fusion.js and Base UI


Fusion.js + Base UI Example App

What are we going to build?

If you want to immediately get the whole application

git clone [email protected]:tajo/fusion-baseui.git
cd fusion-baseui
yarn dev

Or you can follow the tutorial bellow with detailed description.

Step-by-step tutorial


  • Your environment has Node.js 8.11 and the latest Yarn
  • Advanced knowledge of JavaScript
  • Intermediate knowledge of React and Redux

Learning objectives

  • Bootstrap a basic Fusion.js app
  • Fetch data from a public REST API and store it in Redux
  • Pre-render the page on the server
  • Rehydrate the redux store on the client
  • Build a simple UI using Base UI components
  • Handle errors

Fusion.js setup

yarn create fusion-app fusion-baseui
cd fusion-baseui
yarn dev

That should open https://localhost:3000 in your browser with "Fusion.js - Let's get started" message.

Open src/pages/home.js, change the Get Started message to something else and save it. You should immediately see it in the browser because of hot reloading.

Base UI setup

Base UI is a component library based on React. We will use it to put together our user interface. Add it to your project via

yarn add baseui

Now, replace the content of src/pages/home.js with

// @flow
import * as React from "react";

// Base UI components
import { Card } from "baseui/card";
import { Block } from "baseui/block";

const CONCERTS = [
    eventDateName: "Jón Jónsson og Friðrik Dór - fjölskyldutónleikar",
    name: "Tónleikar",
    dateOfShow: "2018-12-15T14:00:00",
    eventHallName: "Bæjarbíó (Hafnarfirði)",
    eventDateName: "Jón Jónsson og Friðrik Dór - fjölskyldutónleikar",
    name: "Tónleikar-UPPSELT",
    dateOfShow: "2018-12-15T16:00:00",
    eventHallName: "Bæjarbíó (Hafnarfirði)",
    eventDateName: "Hera Björk - Ilmur af jólum - Í borg og bæ",
    name: "Hólmavík",
    dateOfShow: "2018-12-15T17:00:00",
    eventHallName: "Hólmavíkurkirkja",
    eventDateName: "Hátíðartónleikar Eyþórs Inga",
    name: "Víðistaðakirkja",
    dateOfShow: "2018-12-15T20:00:00",
    eventHallName: "Víðistaðakirkja (Hafnarfirði)",
    eventDateName: "Jólin til þín",
    name: "Höfn",
    dateOfShow: "2018-12-15T20:00:00",
    eventHallName: "Íþróttahúsið á Höfn",
    eventDateName: "Jólalögin þeirra",
    name: "Tónleikar",
    dateOfShow: "2018-12-15T21:00:00",
    eventHallName: "Hendur í Höfn",

class Home extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          gridTemplateColumns="repeat(auto-fill, minmax(280px, 1fr))"
          {CONCERTS.map(concert => (
              key={concert.eventDateName + concert.dateOfShow}
                Root: {
                  style: { maxWidth: "280px", justifySelf: "center" }
              📅 {concert.dateOfShow}
              <br />
              📍 {concert.eventHallName}

export default Home;

The Home component now renders a list of (hard-coded) concerts. Every concerts has a few properties:

  • eventDateName: string - the name of event
  • name: string - the name of artist
  • dateOfShow: string - the date of event
  • eventHallName: string - where the event takes place
  • imageSource: string - poster for the event

We use two Base UI components:

  • <Block > - basic building block for layouts. In our example, we utilize CSS grid properties to build a responsive grid layout.
  • <Card /> - to display the information about a single event. Note that we need to specify an unique key prop because it's React's requirement for array of components. Also, we use overrides to customize the styles of the root Card element (positioning and maximum width).

Date formatting

As you might notice, 2018-12-15T20:00:00 is not very human readable. We can use 3rd party library to make the formatting better

yarn add date-fns

Now import it into home.js

import { format } from "date-fns";

and replace



format(concert.dateOfShow, "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm A")

Note: You can often see usage of other library Moment.js We try to avoid it since it dramatically increases the size of the application. date-fns is much smaller, modular and tree-shakeable.


First, we will create a search icon component that will be part of our search input. Create a new file src/pages/search.js:

// @flow
import * as React from "react";
import { styled } from "fusion-plugin-styletron-react";
import SearchIcon from "baseui/icon/search";

const Icon = styled<any, any>("div", {
  display: "flex",
  alignItems: "center",
  justifyContent: "center",
  height: "100%",
  marginRight: "1em"

const SearchComponent = () => (
    <SearchIcon size="scale800" color="#aaa" />

export default SearchComponent;

Now go back to home.js and add the imports

import { HeaderNavigation } from "baseui/header-navigation";
import { StatefulInput } from "baseui/input";
import Search from "./search";

Our search is client-side only (API doesn't have a search parameter). We need to add a local search state

class Home extends React.Component<{}, { search: string }> {
  state = {
    search: ""
  // the rest of Home component....

Let's add a header that will contain the search input

      overrides={{ After: Search }}
      placeholder="Concerts in Iceland"
      onChange={e => this.setState({ search: e.target.value })}
  {/* the rest of render method... */}

Now you should see the page header rendered. The last step is to filter concerts accordingly to this.state.search

CONCERTS.filter(concert =>
).map(/* ... */);

Our main UI is finished!

Redux and fetching the data

Redux is a popular state container for JavaScript apps. Fusion.js team maintains multiple plugins that make the integration easy. Let's add them and all other necessary dependencies

yarn add fusion-plugin-react-redux fusion-plugin-rpc-redux-react fusion-plugin-universal-events react-redux@5 redux isomorphic-fetch

fusion-plugin-universal-events is commonly required by other Fusion.js plugins and is used as an event emitter for data such as statistics and analytics. It's necessary for other redux plugins.

fusion-plugin-react-redux adds basic integration of React-Redux into your Fusion.js application. It handles creating your store, wrapping your element tree in a provider, and serializing/deserializing your store between server and client.

fusion-plugin-rpc-redux-react RPC is a natural way of expressing that a server-side function should be run in response to a client-side function call. It's an alternative to REST. This plugin provides a higher order component that connects RPC methods to Redux as well as React component props. It also helps to cut the typical redux boilerplate when creating action creators and reducers.

But first things first, let's create a reducer in src/redux/concerts.js

// @flow
import { createRPCReducer } from "fusion-plugin-rpc-redux-react";

export type ConcertT = {
  +name: string,
  +imageSource: string,
  +eventDateName: string,
  +dateOfShow: string,
  +eventHallName: string

const initialState = {
  loading: false,
  data: [],
  error: null
export default createRPCReducer<
  { loading: boolean, data: ConcertT[], error: ?string },
  { payload: any, type: string }
    start: (state, action) => ({ ...state, loading: true }),
    success: (state, action) => ({
      loading: false,
      data: action.payload
    failure: (state, action) => {
      return {
        loading: false,
        error: action.payload.message

And src/redux/index.js where we combine/re-export existing reducers so we can add even more reducers in the future

// @flow
import { combineReducers } from "redux";
import concerts from "./concerts.js";

export default combineReducers<any, any>({

Now we need to create an RPC handler. It's a function (endpoint) that will handle the data fetching of our concerts. It will be used by server-side rendering and it can be also called by the client. Create src/rpc/index.js

// @flow
import { ResponseError } from "fusion-plugin-rpc-redux-react";

export default {
  getConcerts: async () => {
    try {
      const response = await fetch("https://apis.is/concerts");
      if (response.status == 200) {
        const json = await response.json();
        return json.results;
      throw response.statusText;
    } catch (e) {
      throw new ResponseError(e);

The next step is to put it all together in src/main.js

import Redux, { ReduxToken, ReducerToken } from "fusion-plugin-react-redux";
import RPC, { RPCToken, RPCHandlersToken } from "fusion-plugin-rpc-redux-react";
import UniversalEvents, {
} from "fusion-plugin-universal-events";
import { FetchToken } from "fusion-tokens";
import reducer from "./redux/index.js";
import handlers from "./rpc/index.js";
import fetch from "isomorphic-fetch";

export default () => {
  /* ... */
  app.register(RPCToken, RPC);
  app.register(UniversalEventsToken, UniversalEvents);
    ? app.register(RPCHandlersToken, handlers)
    : app.register(FetchToken, fetch);
  app.register(ReduxToken, Redux);
  app.register(ReducerToken, reducer);
  /* ... */
  return app;

Finally, let's remove the hardcoded concerts and connect the home component to the redux (getConcerts store).

Add these imports into src/pages/home.js

// redux and fusion helpers
import { compose } from "redux";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import { prepared } from "fusion-react";
import { withRPCRedux } from "fusion-plugin-rpc-redux-react";

// types
import type { ConcertT } from "../redux/concerts";

And this will create an HOC that connects our page to the store and it also triggers getConcerts fetch when doing server-side rendering

const hoc = compose(
  // generates Redux actions and
  // a React prop for the `getConcerts` RPC call
  // expose the Redux state to React props
  connect(({ concerts }) => ({ concerts })),
  // invokes the passed in method on component hydration
  prepared(props => {
    if (props.concerts.loading || props.concerts.data.length) {
      return Promise.resolve();
    return props.getConcerts();

export default hoc(Home);

Let's update our flow types

class Home extends React.Component<
    getConcerts: () => void,
    concerts: { data: ConcertT[], error: ?string }
  { search: string }
> {
  /* ... */

And finally, replace CONCERTS with this.props.concerts.data. Now you should see the list of events again 🎉🎉🎉. However, this time our application fetches them from the public API!

Note the client doesn't NOT make an XHR call to https://apis.is/concerts - it's all done on the server and browser already receives all events (rendered HTML elements and also as serialized redux state). That's it!

The Home component has also an access to this.props.getConcerts(), so for example, you could re-fetch the data like this

componentDidMount() {
  // optional re-fetch on the client

For the full example you can clone and explore this repository. It has some extra code to gracefully handle fetch errors and display a nice user notification.

More resources

For detailed documentation please visit: