
GameBoard is an app for keeping track of board game scores.



Developer Guide

The app is based on mcnamee/react-native-starter-kit v2. v2 is significantly different to the current branch.


You'll need to setup some tools on your dev machine:

# I would recommend using RVM to manage versions.
rvm install ruby-2.4
gem install bundler
bundle update

# Use Node 10. Install the React Native CLI
nvm use 10
npm i -g --save react-native-cli

Android Studio

The project gradle file relies on some properties which are sensitive. They can be store in the user's file:

echo GAMEBOARD_RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD=<password> >> ~/.gradle/
echo GAMEBOARD_RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD=<password> >> ~/.gradle/


The main application lifecycle, login state and connected state is managed in the App component.

The app interacts with Firebase in the following way:

  1. In the XXX component, we register references to a set of key collections.
  2. While we are waiting for the data from our collections to arrive, the app shows a loading spinner.
  3. Once we have the collection data, we wire it up to Redux. From this point onwards, changes to the collections automatically update the store.

This makes interfacing with the data very easy. Just interact with Firebase, the appropriate collections will be updated and the store will change as a result of that.


Each of the components in ./src/containers is essentially a screen. It will often take redux state, and often fire off commands.

Scenes will normally need to be provided with some kind of handler to deal with navigation. For example, the 'Link Friend' container will need an 'onLinkFriend' function, which will normally commit the action and handle subsequent navigation. This allows scenes to be transitioned programatically:

  onFindFriend = () => {
      onPlayerSelected: async (foundFriend) => {
        const { uid } = firebase.auth().currentUser;

In the example above we can see that we can programatically navigate to a scene and then deal with the result in our own way.



Most sensitive data is stored in: [email protected]:dwmkerr/dwmkerr.git in the fastlane-match branch. This branch contains the Android Keystore, Provisioning Profiles, Certs etc.

Fastlane certs keyphrase: gameboard


Builds are run on CircleCI 2.

Followed the docs at:

To create a release, run:

npm run release

To deal with Apple Developer 2FA issues, a token will need to be provided to CircleCI as part of the environment. The following variables should be set.

Environment Variable Usage
FASTLANE_SESSION Output of fastlane spaceauth -u [email protected] for 2FA

Firebase Functions

To work with the Firebase Functions, you'll need the Firebase CLI. Install the tools and login:

npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login

You should also check you are working with the correct Firebase project by using the command:

firebase list

To update the firebase functions, follow these steps:

cd functions
npm run lint
npm run deploy

Data Schema

Played Game

  "createdAt" : 1527400718170,
  "game" : "Star Realms",
  "players" : [ {
    "email" : "[email protected]",
    "id" : "WisNqBdHXxPGuULiAMDo0zSE5ib2",
    "imageUri" : "",
    "name" : "Dave Kerr",
    "order": 1
  }, {
    "email" : "[email protected]",
    "id" : "[email protected]",
    "key" : "-L1r82BWXFYqWSX4_zD7",
    "name" : "Sarah Lawton",
    "rank" : 1
  } ],
  "scorerUid" : "WisNqBdHXxPGuULiAMDo0zSE5ib2"

Helper Functions

Helper functions are generally deployed under api/admin. These have so far been used to convert data. A more robust method is needed for the future.

Social Accounts



This is a hobby project and I make no assuranances about privacy and security. However, to try and ensure users can understand what the potential security implications are, be aware of the following notes.

  1. User accounts are created based on Google OAuth, this means if you have a google account you can register.
  2. The app requests your Display Name, Email Address and Thumbnail only.
  3. If you are registered, other users can see your Email, Display Name and Thumbnail if they search for your email address in the 'add friends' screen.

Beyond this no personal data is used and your Google credentials are never stored (they are passed directly to google, using OAuth). In theory there should be very little data the app or server has to potentially be lost or stolen, but again, no assurances are offered.


Failures creating jsbundle

Issues touching node-gyp/lib/build.js, fsevents.o and others during the npm install phase, which lead to:

❌  error: File /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/GameBoard-dgysxhpveqohdscwamoxhakwrurq/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/GameBoard/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/ does not exist.

This seems to be an issue with node-gyp and fsevents on MacOS. I solved by installing fsevents explicitly and run npm i -f. Other solutions might be to delete and recreate the package-lock.json file.


  • Build: Don't run potentially expensive iOS/Android build unless it is on master or on a release tag.
  • Navbar buttons: use nativebase header
  • Edit Game
  • Edit Time
  • Format Game History Page
  • Move logout to side menu
  • Move user account to firestore
  • Game History auto refresh
  • Firebase Functions should run in APAC, not us-central.