
MIT License


Authenticated Apps w/Auth0 and Gatsby

This app was built as part of the Learn With Jason livestream series.

Auth0 Application Settings

To use this example, certain application settings must be set correctly, otherwise unexpected behavior will occur.

Set the following fields to the values shown below, where {portNumber} is whatever port number you are using (e.g., port 8000 in development mode):

  • Allowed Callback URLs http://localhost:{portNumber}/callback

  • Allowed Web Origins http://localhost:{portNumber}

  • Allowed Logout URLs http://localhost:{portNumber}

Make sure that there is no trailing '/' after the port number in the Allowed Web Origins and Allowed Logout URLs fields.

Environment Variables

The environment variables listed in .env.EXAMPLE need to be set for development and production contexts. For example, to expose these variables when running gatsby develop, there must be a .env.development file in the root of your project containing the values found in your Auth0 application settings. To set the environment variables when running gatsby build, refer to the livestream at 1:34:05.

See for a deeper dive into using environment variables with Gatsby.