
Convert GeoJSON into Wavefront OBJ format

ISC License



A converter from GeoJSON to Wavefront OBJ format.


This project has been archived and is not maintained, since it's been a long time since I had reason to work on it.

Trying it out

There's a small command line example in the examples directory, which you can use to try out the library.

Sample command line:

cd examples
./cli.js norway-coastline.geo.json

It should write an OBJ file to your stdout.


toObj(geojson, stream, callback, options)

Converts the geojson to an OBJ, that is written to the stream. When done, the callback is called; callback is a normal Node.js callback accepting an error as the first argument.

Note that the geojson must be a Feature or FeatureCollection.

Available options:

  • featureBase: function f(feature, callback) that returns the height of
    a feature's base; by default, a function that always returns 0.
  • featureHeight: function f(feature, callback) that returns the height of
    a feature; by default, a function that returns 10 for polygons and
    0.3 for linestrings.
  • lineWidth: for line geometries, returns the width of the generated
    geometry; defaults to 2.
  • featureName: a function f(feature, callback) that returns the OBJ group
    name used for a feature; by default a function that numbers the
  • featureMaterial: a function f(feature, callback) that returns the name
    of the material for a feature; if undefined, the material is
    not changed for this feature; see mtllib option below
  • coordToPoint a function f(coordinate) that returns the
    OBJ vertex point (X and Z) for a GeoJSON coordinate, needed to
    convert from GeoJSON's WGS84 coordinates to a cartesian coordinate;
    see the findLocalProj method below
  • mtllib a string or array of paths that will be added as material
    libraries to the resulting OBJ