
Gets form and field data via form.elements

MIT License



Gets form data - or data for a named form field - via form.elements.

Data is retrieved in a format similar to request parameters which would be sent if the form was submitted, so this module is suitable for extracting form data on the client side for projects which implement isomorphic handling of form submission.


npm install get-form-data

Browser bundles area available, which export a global getFormData function.


Getting form data

To get data for an entire form, use the getFormData() function:

<form id="productForm">
  <select name="product">
    <option value="1" selected>T-shirt</option>
    <option value="2">Hat</option>
    <option value="3">Shoes</option>

  <input type="number" name="quantity" min="0" step="1" value="9">

  <label>Express shipping</label>
  <p>Do you want to use <a href="/shipping#express">Express Shipping</a>?</p>
  <div class="radios">
    <label><input type="radio" name="shipping" value="express" checked> Yes</label>
    <label><input type="radio" name="shipping" value="regular"> No</label>

  <label>Terms of Service:</label>
  <p>I have read and agree to the <a href="/">Terms of Service</a>.</p>
  <label class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="tos" checked> Yes</label>
let form = document.querySelector('#productForm')

let data = getFormData(form)

{"product": "1", "quantity": "9", "shipping": "express", "tos": true}

Getting field data

To get data for individual form fields (which may contain multiple form inputs with the same name), use the getFieldData() function, which is exposed as a property of getFormData:

<form id="tshirtForm">
  <div class="checkboxes">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="sizes" value="S"> S</label>
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="sizes" value="M" checked> M</label>
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="sizes" value="L" checked> L</label>
let form = document.querySelector('#tshirtForm')

let sizes = getFormData.getFieldData(form, 'sizes')

["M", "L"]

Trimming user input

To trim user input, pass a trim: true option to getFormData() or getFieldData():

<form id="signupForm">
  <input type="text" name="username" value="AzureDiamond  ">

  <input type="password" name="password" value=" hunter2 ">
let form = document.querySelector('#signupForm')

let data = getFormData(form, {trim: true})

{"username": "AzureDiamond", "password": "hunter2"}

Including disabled inputs

Disabled inputs are ignored by default; to include their data, pass an includeDisabled: true option to getFormData() or getFieldData().

let data = getFormData(form, {includeDisabled: true})

File Inputs

Where possible, data extracted from <input type="file"> will be native File objects.

If the .files property is not available, the .value property will be used to provide data instead.


getFormData(form: HTMLFormElement[, options: Object])

Extracts data from a <form>'s .elements collection - in order to use .elements, form inputs must have name or id attributes. Since multiple inputs can't have the same id and a name allows an input to qualify as a successful control for form submission, name attributes are preferred and will be given priority if both are present.

The following options can be configured:

  • trim: Boolean (default: false) - if true, leading and trailing whitespace will be trimmed from user input in text entry form inputs.
  • includeDisabled: Boolean (default: false) - if true, disabled inputs will not be ignored.

Return type: Object<string, boolean | string | string[] | File | File[]>

Properties in the returned data object are mostly consistent with what would have been sent as request parameters if the form had been submitted:

  • Disabled inputs are ignored by default.
  • Text inputs will always contribute a value, which will be '' if they are empty.
  • Checkbox inputs will only contribute a value if they are checked, in which case their value attribute will be used.
  • Form elements which represent multiple values (select-multiple, or multiple inputs with the same name, file inputs with multiple) will only contribute a value if they have at least one value to submit. Their values will always be held in an Array, even if there is only one.

Exceptions to this are:

  • If a checked checkbox doesn't have a value attribute, its value will be true. Normally it would default to 'on' when submitted, but this isn't as useful a default on the client.
  • Buttons are completely ignored, as it's only possible to determine which button counts as successful after it's been used to submit the form.

getFieldData(form: HTMLFormElement, fieldName: String[, options: Object])

getFieldData() is a named export when using ES modules, otherwise it's also available as getFormData.getFieldData()

Extracts data for a named field from a <form>'s .elements collection.

Options are as documented for getFormData.

Return type: null | boolean | string | string[] | File | File[]

This function is used by getFormData(), so the documentation for individual return values above also applies.

null will be returned if the field is non-existent, disabled, or shouldn't contribute a value (e.g. unchecked checkboxes, multiple selects with no selections, file inputs with no selections).

MIT Licensed