Website for Caption app.

MIT License


Get Caption (App)

Project layout

  • Makefile Shorthands for commands to quickly build or install.
  • Configuration variables like page context function
  • pages The html pages including site structure.
  • templates The templates used in the html pages (for extend and include).
  • assets - static Just static files like images, fonts and downloads. - css CSS and SCSS files and dependents. The top level files get compiled. - scripts javascript/coffeescript files and dependents. The top level files get compiled and minified.
  • package.json npm information about used javascript packages.
  • .build Path for the generated site (hidden by default).


Every folder within assets/sprites will be converted into a sprite package. This will result in an SCSS and image file. The SCSS file will end up in the project folder with the same location as the images. So assets/sprites/mainpage/*.png will generate an SCSS file at assets/sprites/mainpage.scss. That way you can include it in your main SCSS file and everything will work.


  • You can update node with brew update; brew upgrade node; npm update -g (Mac only).
  • You can reset your npm packages with rm -Rf ./node_modules.

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