
An React SPA to create a CV with. Comes with functionalities such as creating, editing and deleting nodes and downloading your finished CV as a PDF.


Short Description 📋

An React SPA to create a CV with. You can add, edit and delete input fields to put your data in. All of these changes are adopted by the preview CV in real-time. Once you are happy with the result, you can save and download your CV to your local machine via a simple button click. Also comes with a functionality to autofill all fields and look at what the CV would look like if you filled it out by hand.


🖥 Live Demo

Showcase 🎬

You can see a GIF of my application below. I am using the autofill functionality to preview an automatically filled CV.

Performance ⏱

I let Google Lighthouse run over my application to check for it's performance, accessibility, use of best practices and SEO optimization. You can view the results right below this paragraph.

Features ✨

  • Autofill Functionality
  • Responsiveness for mobile, tablet and desktop
  • Saves CV as PDF and downloads it
  • Real-time adoption of changes
  • Clean UI/UX

Technologies Used 💻

  • React
  • CSS (CSS Modules)
  • Photoshop
  • NPM
  • html2Canvas
  • jsPDF

What I learned 📚

  • mapping over array state to make sure the selected elements receive changes on user interactions with the site
  • conditional class assignments to either render a desktop or a mobile view for the application
  • using external libraries within my application to enable the user to download and save their CV


My motivation in building this project was to further solidify my understanding of how React handles state. For me at the time, a CV application that needs to handle all user data in state seemed like a reasonable approach to it. Furthermore, I created CVs for all my friends for some years now and felt like some automation to speed up that process wouldn't do no harm.