
Get insights for your Github repositories

MIT License


Github Insights

Get insights for your Github repositories

Start using the live application now

Visitor stats

Code stats

Local usage

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install or yarn
  3. Copy .env.example to .env and add your Github Auth Token in the new .env file:
  4. Run npm fetch or yarn fetch by provding at least one of the required arguments:
    • --org: a Github organisation name
    • --user: a Github user name
    • --repository: a Github repository in the following format :owner/:repository (scriptex/github-insights)
  5. Wait for the script to fetch and transform the data from Github.
  6. Check the insights.json file in the root of the project.


There is a frontend application included built with Parcel and React using Recharts.

The application is still a work in progress.

The deployment is taken care of by Vercel.

If you want to experience the full capabilities of this package locally then you need to create your own Vercel account, install the now cli and run now dev after you linked your clone/fork with Vercel.

More on this later.


This tool uses the 3rd version of the Github REST API.

github-insights collects the following data for your user's or organisation's repositories:

  • paths
  • views
  • forks
  • clones
  • commits
  • referrers
  • contributors



Extracted from project README
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