
Convert a well formed GitHub Issue Form populated Markdown body into a JSON data file in the repository.



Step 1: Create a GitHub Issue Form template for your repository.

  1. Use labels: built-with-eleventy with a label name of your choosing. This will be used later.
  2. You can control how these fields are parsed and normalized in the body->attributes.description field. Right now we provide:
    • [parser:url] to normalize URL inputs (adds the protocol, follow redirects to find final URL). Uses normalize-url and follow-url-redirects.
    • [parser:usernames] runs on a String of whitespace separated usernames (removing commas, @ characters from the beginning) and returns an Array.
  3. Other:
    • A single checkbox is converted to a Boolean value.

Step 2: Add the GitHub Actions Workflow file

Check out the comments below to see the customization options:

  • Runs on: Issue opened, Issue edited, Issue reopened
  • Control the output folder for the JSON files
  • Control which GitHub Issue Form template you want to generate data from
  • Use a value from the input to generate a hash for the datas file name.
name: Convert Issues to JSON Data

      - opened
      - edited
      - reopened
      - labeled

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Convert New built-with-eleventy Issue to Sites Data
    # only continue if issue has "built-with-eleventy" label
    # require an `approved` label for moderation
    if: contains( github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'built-with-eleventy') && contains( github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'approved')
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: GitHub Issue to JSON
        uses: zachleat/[email protected]
          # This controls where the JSON files are generated
          folder: "built-with-eleventy/"
          # This tells the action which GitHub Issue Form template file to use
          issue-template: "built-with-eleventy.yml"
          # This controls which property we use to key the file name hash off of (values should be unique in your data set)
          hash-property-name: "url"
      - name: Commit files
        run: |
          git config --local "[email protected]"
          git config --local "GitHub Action"
          git add *
          git commit -m "Adding data for #${{ env.IssueNumber }}"
          git push
      - name: Close issue
        uses: peter-evans/close-issue@v1
          issue-number: "${{ env.IssueNumber }}"
          comment: "Thank you! Your data file has been added!"

Step 3: There is no step 3

Modified graciously from @katydecorahs

Future Ideas Roadmap:

  • Add allow-overwrites input, e.g.
    description: Whether or not a file can overwrite an existing file
    default: true