

Github web app


Web application created using ReactJS that queries a user's repositories on Github and also allows browsing through the commits of these repositories.

ES6+ features

  • Arrow functions: were used to facilitate development by avoiding creating function binds in the React component builder.

  • Destructuring: using destructuring makes code more readable, especially when using props or state variables, making it clear at the beginning of the component which variables are used.


How to run the project

First, install all dependencies running yarn installou npm install.

In the root folder, run this command yarn start or npm start and the project will be automatically opened in the default browser, if not, just access the address http://localhost:8080

To create the production build, simply run yarn build or npm run build, and a build optimized for production will be created in the /dist directory using the webpack.


The unit test suite was developed using Jest + Enzyme. To run the tests, run the command yarn test or npm test

To generate the coverage dashboard run the command yarn coverage or npm run coverage. This command will generate the covereage dashboard in the /coverage directory and to view it, simply open the /coverage/lcov-report/index.html file in the browser.


To facilitate component development, the Storybook library was used. Storybook is a tool for developing components in isolation, making it quick and easy to develop and view your application itself.

To run Storybook and view the component library, simply run the command yarn storybook or npm run storybook and the Storybook browser interface will automatically open, and if not, just go to the address http://localhost:6006

Extracted from project README
travisci codecov