
Tiny PubSub module.

MIT License



Tiny PubSub module.

Getting Started

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Gpub: Simple pub/sub

(c) 2013 goliatone

Author: goliatone

Overview: Gpub is an Event Dispatcher library. Or pub/sub.

Gpub.on(topic, callback, scope, options)

Register an event listener. the handler. event to all handler callbacks.


topic: String, String indicating the event type

callback: Function, Callback to handle event topics.

scope: Object, We can dynamically change the scope of

options: Object, Options object that will be sent with the


Checks to see if the provided topic has registered listeners and thus triggering and event.


topic: String, Event type.

Gpub.emit(topic, options)

Triggers an event so all registered listeners for the topic will be notified. Optionally, we can send along an options object.

in the event to all listeners registered with topic.


topic: String, Event type.

options: Object, Options object, sent along, callback)

Unregisters the given callback from topic events. If called without arguments, it will remove all listeners. TODO: If we pass topic but no callback should we remove all listeners of topic?


topic: String, Event type.

callback: Function, Listener we want to remove.


Returns all registered listeners for a given topic. If called without topic will return all callbacks.

Used internally.


topic: String, Event type.


Observable mixin. It will add Gpub methods to the given target. If we provide a constructor it will extend it's prototype.

var Model = function(){};
var user = new Model();
user.on('something', function(){console.log('Hola!')});


target: Object|Function,


Object|Function, Returns the given object.

Gpub.delegable(src, events, eventBuilder, glue)

It will create methods in src to register handlers for all passed events.

If we pass: var Model = function(){}; var events = ['change', 'sync']; Gpub.delegable(Model.prototype, events); var user = new Model(); user.onsync(function(e){console.log('sync'd', e)}); user.onchange(function(e){console.log('changed', e)}); user.emit('change').emit('sync');

By default, methods generated will be in the form of on+event. We can pass in a custom method name generator.

If the passed in src object is not an instance of Gpub it will be augmented with the mixin.

with methods. generate delegate methods. method name. will be used to split into different event types.


src: Object, Object to extend

events: Array|String, Events for which we want to

eventBuilder: Function, Function to generate the delegate

glue: String, If we pass in a string, this


Object, Returns passed in object.

Gpub.bindable(src, set, get, bind)

It will monkey patch the given src setter method so that it triggers a change and change:<key> event on update. The event object carries the old value and the current value, plus the updated property name.

It's a quick way to generate a bindable model.

var Model = function(){{}};
Model.prototype.set = function(key, value) {[key] = value;
    return this;
Model.prototype.get = function(key, def){
    return[key] || def;
Gpub.bindable(Model.prototype, 'set', 'get');

If we don't specify a set or get value, then set and get will be used by default.


src: Object, Object to be augmented.

set: String, Name of set method in src

get: String, Name of get method in src

bind: Boolean, Should we bind the generated method?


Object, Returns the passed in object.


You can check out the contents of the examples folder.

Release History

  • v0.3.7: Added "topic" and "unregister" function to event obj.
  • v0.3.6: Added method "multi".
  • v0.3.0: Added mixin.
  • v0.2.0: Update API.
  • v0.1.0: Initial release.