
MIT License


graphql-fragment-import CI

This monorepo contains three packages:

  • @graphql-fragment-import/cli - an executable to perform graphql module importing
  • @graphql-fragment-import/lib - a library to reuse the underlying code in other libraries programmatically (linting, build tools etc)
  • @graphql-fragment-import/eslint-plugin - an ESLint plugin that augments @eslint-ast/graphql with fragment import support

Import syntax

#import "./_my-fragment.graphql"
#import '../../_my-other-fragment.graphql'
#import "some-package/_its-fragment.graphql"

Usage (as an executable)

npx @graphql-fragment-import/cli <file>
npx @graphql-fragment-import/cli <file> -o <output-file>
npx @graphql-fragment-import/cli <directory> -d <output-directory>
npx @graphql-fragment-import/cli <file> -ir <custom-import-resolver>

Usage (as a library)

yarn add @graphql-fragment-import/lib


npm add --save graphql-fragment-import

Combining all imports including transient imports in one string

You can use the function exported from @graphql-fragment-import/lib/inline-imports to combine all the fragment definitions imported directly and transitively in a graphql file.

'use strict';

const fragmentImport = require('@graphql-fragment-import/lib/inline-imports');

const output = fragmentImport(fileContents, {
  resolveImport /* optional: allows the caller to provide an alternative resolution algorithm */,
  resolveOptions: {
    basedir /* required: specifies where to start resolving imported fragments from */,
    ...args /* any other resolve options are passed through to `resolveImport` when resolving imports */
  fs /* optiona: allows for the caller to provide an alternative implementation of node's fs module */

output; // contains the grapqhl file, with all imports having been inlined

In the code example above, fileContents is the source code of a .graphql file. The return value is graphql source code with all the fragment definitions in it from all the various files imported.

Helper function for parsing imports for your eslint rule

You can use one of the function exported from @graphql-fragment-import/lib/gather-fragment-imports to find and parse all fragment definitions into FragmentDefinition nodes (for eslint) by import line number.

Here's an example of doing so in an eslint rule.

const { gatherFragmentImportsForContext } = require('@graphql-fragment-import/lib/gather-fragment-imports');

  // eslint rule
    return {
      'Document:exit'() {
         * lineToFragmentNameToBucket is an object whose keys are line numbers and values are objects whose keys are
         * the fragment names and the parsed eslint node:
         * {
         *     1: {
         *         FooBar: FragmentDefinition,
         *         Bar: FragmentDefinition
         *     }
         * }
        const lineToFragmentNameToBucket = gatherFragmentImportsForContext(context, false);

        for (const [lineNumber, fragmentNameToFragment] of Object.entries(lineToFragmentNameToBucket)) {
          // fragmentName is a string and fragment is the object returned by `fragmentParserGenerator`
          for (const [fragmentName, fragment] of Object.entries(fragmentNameToFragment)) {
            // Do something

Your consumer projects will need to hav the importResolver and parser setup like configuration in .eslintrc provided below in the "Usage (ESLint)" section.

Usage (ESLint)

// .eslintrc
module.exports = {
  parser: '@eslint-ast/eslint-plugin-graphql/parser',
  parserOptions: {
    schema: 'path/to/schema.graphql',
  plugins: ['@eslint-ast/graphql', '@graphql-fragment-import'],
  extends: [
  rules: {
    '@graphql-fragment-import/validate-imports': [
      // Options only need to be specified if you need a custom import resolver
      // The default is to use require.resolve (i.e. the node resolution algorithm)
        importResolver: require.resolve('ember-cli-addon-aware-resolver'),

Example importable fragments

Given the following files

# // file: _my-fragment.graphql

fragment MyFragment on SomeType {
# // file: my-query.graphql
#import './_my-fragment.graphql'

query {
  myQuery {

results in:

npx @graphql-fragment-import/cli ./my-query.graphql
> fragment MyFragment {
>   fieldC
> }
> query {
>   myQuery {
>     filedA,
>     fieldB,
>     ...MyFragment
>   }
> }

alternatively, we can provide an input dir and output dir, and let the tool convert many files at once:

npx graphql-fragment-import ./ -d ./output/
>   [processed] my-query.graphql -> ${pwd}/output//my-query.graphql