
Creates epub from specified files

MIT License


grunt-epub NPM version

Creates epub from specified files

Table of Contents

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.4

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-epub --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Required config

This is a plugin that requires a fairly large metadata file using a very distinct look. It should be set (at least) as the option meta. As long as it contains the following keys, it can also hold other metadata as the user needs it.

The example is from my own writing. I have added comments to explain each part, but as it's a JSON file that is not valid.

    // List of authors. Authors, contributors and editor all
    // follow the convention of having a "as" and a "name"
    "authors": [{
        "as": "Hogebrandt, Marie",
        "name": "Marie Hogebrandt"
    "contributors": [],
    "editor": null,

    // Exact names of the dates depends a little bit. Kindle requires
    // the dates to be in YYYY-MM-DD form (though may be only YYYY)
    // Overall, add dates that's relevant, like publishing, digital
    // publishing, etc.
    "dates": {
        "original-publication": "2014-03-21T09:44:33Z",
        "opf-publication": "2014-03-21T09:44:33Z"

    // These are made into a single, comma-delimited list for a Subject
    "keywords": [
        "Urban Fantasy",
        "Svensk folktro"
    "language": "sv",
    "license": null,

    // A normal string, either publishing house or your own name
    "publisher": null,

    // The outline is very important, since that sets all the guides,
    // spine, etc. Each of the lists needs to have a proper order, but
    // the three keys (body, frontmatter, backmatter) do not.
    // The "name" is required to correspond to the name of the HTML file,
    // E.G, akt-01.html
    "outline": {
        // Items in the body can be nested deeper than 1 level, if they
        // should be nested in navigation
        "body": [
                "name": "akt-01",
                "items": [
                        "name": "kapitel-01",
                        "title": "Kapitel 1"
                        "name": "mellanspel-01",
                        "title": "Mellanspel"
                        "name": "kapitel-02",
                        "title": "Kapitel 2"
                        "name": "kapitel-03",
                        "title": "Kapitel 3"
                        "name": "mellanspel-02",
                        "title": "Mellanspel"
                        "name": "kapitel-04",
                        "title": "Kapitel 4"
                        "name": "kapitel-05",
                        "title": "Kapitel 5"
                "title": "Akt I: Konsten att F\u00f6rf\u00f6ra"
                "name": "akt-02",
                "items": [
                        "name": "kapitel-06",
                        "title": "Kapitel 6"
                        "name": "mellanspel-03",
                        "title": "Mellanspel"
                        "name": "kapitel-07",
                        "title": "Kapitel 7"
                        "name": "kapitel-08",
                        "title": "Kapitel 8"
                        "name": "mellanspel-04",
                        "title": "Mellanspel"
                        "name": "kapitel-09",
                        "title": "Kapitel 9"
                        "name": "kapitel-10",
                        "title": "Kapitel 10"
                "title": "Akt II: Konsten att F\u00f6rf\u00f6lja"
                "name": "akt-03",
                "items": [
                        "name": "kapitel-11",
                        "title": "Kapitel 12"
                        "name": "mellanspel-05",
                        "title": "Mellanspel"
                        "name": "kapitel-12",
                        "title": "Kapitel 12"
                        "name": "kapitel-13",
                        "title": "Kapitel 13"
                        "name": "kapitel-14",
                        "title": "Kapitel 14"
                        "name": "mellanspel-06",
                        "title": "Mellanspel"
                        "name": "kapitel-15",
                        "title": "Kapitel 15"
                        "name": "epilog",
                        "title": "Epilog"
                "title": "Akt III: Konsten att F\u00f6rg\u00f6ra"
        // For both front- and backmatter, the name needs to be one of
        // the following:
        // cover, colophon, title-page, toc, index, glossary,
        // acknowledgements, bibliography, copyright-page,
        // dedication, epigraph, foreword, loi, lot, notes,
        // preface.
        // toc = Table of contents, loi = List of Illustrations,
        // lot = List of Tables.
        // These are used in the Guide to map files to landmarks.
        // Kindle requires a cover and a toc

        // Anything that goes at the end of the novel.
        "backmatter": [
                "name": "colophon",
                "title": "Kolophon"

        // Anything that goes at the front of the novel
        "frontmatter": [
                "name": "cover",
                "title": "Framsida"
    "title": "Sk\u00e4rvor av det f\u00f6rg\u00e5ngna",

    // A unique identifier. This can be almost anything, recommended is
    // ISBN, or URI or similar. The scheme is non-standard, but
    // recommended to match what kind of identifier
    "id": {
        "value": "skarvor-av-det-forgangna2014-03-21-09-44-33-012690",
        "scheme": "UUID"
    "description": "Some description ..."

File Naming

The strict naming is for the manifest. The HTML files need a unique ID that ties together the different guides/spines/etc with the automatically generated Manifest, which lists all files in the EPUB. Currently all HTML files are assumed to be stored in the root directory of the EPUB.




Type: String Default: epub

Folder (based on the root of the project) where the EPUB will be generated.


Type: Object Default: {}

The metadata of dates, authors, etc. Fault tolerant, but inaccurate data will lead to inaccurate metafiles.


Two tasks are associated with this plugin:


The core task, which takes the filename to create and which folder(s) to fetch the files from.


A wrapper around the Java library EPUB check. The library is included, but obviously Java needs to be installed

Usage Examples


Assume the filename is default.epub, and that the files are stored in files. The meta is assumed to be stored in the root as config.js

Default options, will save it as epub/default.epub

epub: {
      options: {
        meta: require('./config')
      default: {
        files: {
          'default': ['files']

Custom options, saves it as custom/default.epub

epub: {
      options: {
        meta: require('./config')
      default: {
        options: {
            dest: 'custom'
        files: {
          'default': ['files']

Two different books, with different metas

epub: {
      book1: {
        options: {
            meta: require('./config')
        files: {
          book1: ['files']
    book2: {
        options: {
            meta: require('./config2')
        files: {
          book2: ['files2']


epubCheck: {
    all: {
        files: {
          all: ['epub/default.epub']


We welcome all kinds of contributions! The most basic way to show your support is to star the project, or to raise issues.


Marie Hogebrandt


Copyright (c) 2014 Marie Hogebrandt, contributors. Released under the MIT license


  • 2014-05-07 v0.3.2 Refactor outline,New docs with examples,Remove grunt-verb until this
    is solved verb ran
    at the terminal instead
  • 2014-05-06 v0.3.1 Create guide from frontmatter and backmatter
  • 2014-05-05 v0.3.0 Creates the content.opf from metadata, with the exception of the (optional)
  • 2014-05-04 v0.2.0 Creates the toc.ncx from metadata
  • 2014-05-03 v0.1.0 will create a valid epub, assuming all files (except
    META-INF/container.xml and mimetype) are created through other means

This file was generated by verb-cli on May 07, 2014.