
Grunt task for updating firebase data.

MIT License



Update your firebase data from a Grunt task!

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-firebase --save-dev

One the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "firebase" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named firebase to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  firebase: {
      options: {
        // reference to start with (full firebase url)
        reference: '',

        // token is the secret key used for connecting to firebase from the server
        // this is redacted from the public repo... add a file called ./config/auth.json
        // with your token in it... { "token": "my token here" }
        token: '<%= authConfig.token %>'
      load: {
        options: {
          data: {
            one: {
              foo: 'bar'
            two: [
              { a: 'A' },
              { b: 'B' },
              { c: 'C' }
            three: [ 'first', 'second', 'third' ]



Type: string Require: true

reference to start with (full firebase url)


Type: String Require: true

token is the secret key used for connecting to firebase from the server this is redacted from the public repo... add a file called ./config/auth.json with your token in it... { "token": "my token here" }

Type: String | Object | Array

This is the data that will be loaded into firebase at the specified reference point.


Type: String Required: false Default: upload

Specify if you want to upload or download your data from firebase.

  • upload: files in the files property will be uploaded to the reference location
  • download: add a dest to your options to determine where the data file will go.
  • live: files in the files property will be watched and uploaded to firebase when changed or downloaded from firebase when changed remotely.


Type: String Required: false Default: ./

Used when mode: download is set in the options. This is the base path for which the downloaded file will go.

Usage Examples

var authConfig = grunt.file.readJSON('./config/auth.json');

  authConfig: authConfig,

  firebase: {
    options: {
      // reference to start with (full firebase url)
      reference: '',

      // token is the secret key used for connecting to firebase from the server
      // this is redacted from the public repo... add a file called ./config/auth.json
      // with your token in it... { "token": "my token here" }
      token: '<%= authConfig.token %>'
    load: {
      options: {
        data: {
          one: {
            foo: 'bar'
          two: [
            { a: 'A' },
            { b: 'B' },
            { c: 'C' }
          three: [ 'first', 'second', 'third' ]

You don't want to put your data in the Gruntfile?!?! Why not?

Okay... just put it in some .json files and tell the task where to find them. We'll handle importing the data and uploading it to firebase for you:

var authConfig = grunt.file.readJSON('./config/auth.json');

  authConfig: authConfig,

  firebase: {
    options: {
      // reference to start with (full firebase url)
      reference: '',

      // token is the secret key used for connecting to firebase from the server
      // this is redacted from the public repo... add a file called ./config/auth.json
      // with your token in it... { "token": "my token here" }
      token: '<%= authConfig.token %>'
    load: {
      files: [
        { src: './path/to/my/data/**/*.json' }

Now that your file is uploaded, make some changes to it through the Firebase Forge and download the updates to your file:

var authConfig = grunt.file.readJSON('./config/auth.json');

  authConfig: authConfig,

  firebase: {
    options: {
      // reference to start with (full firebase url)
      // when downloading, the final segment in the path
      // will determine the filename where your data goes
      reference: '',

      // token is the secret key used for connecting to firebase from the server
      // this is redacted from the public repo... add a file called ./config/auth.json
      // with your token in it... { "token": "my token here" }
      token: '<%= authConfig.token %>'
    getMyFiles: {
      options: {
        mode: 'download',
        dest: 'path/to/downloaded/files/'

This will result in all of your data located at to be downloaded and stored in a file located at path/to/downloaded/files/demo.json

By now you might be thinking... "This is all great, but I want to really use Firebase features and collaborate in realtime."

You can!!! Almost... it all depends on your text editor, but there's now a live mode! Just set the option mode: live and tell grunt-firebase which files to watch. Each file in the glob pattern will be uploaded to the reference path when changed locally, and the local file will be updated when changed remotely.

var authConfig = grunt.file.readJSON('./config/auth.json');

  authConfig: authConfig,

  firebase: {
    options: {
      // reference to start with (full firebase url)
      // this is the root path that will be watched for changes
      // and each "key" will be it's own file
      reference: '',

      // token is the secret key used for connecting to firebase from the server
      // this is redacted from the public repo... add a file called ./config/auth.json
      // with your token in it... { "token": "my token here" }
      token: '<%= authConfig.token %>'
    getMyFiles: {
      options: {
        mode: 'live'
      files: [
        { src: './path/to/my/data/**/*.json' }


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

(Nothing yet)