
(No Longer Supported) Grunt.js plugin to compile jade templates to JavaScript functions (normal or AMD) or plain HTML

MIT License


grunt-jade build status

Compile jade templates with grunt.


This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you are looking for the version of this that works in Grunt ~0.3.0, use version 0.3.9

Getting Started

Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-jade

Then add this line to your project's grunt.js gruntfile:



To your grunt.js gruntfile, add:

jade: {
  no_options: {
    files: {
      'dest/path/': ['path/to/src/*.jade']

For AMD compilation, add: (dependencies is what you want the runtime to be named)

jade: {
  amd: {
    files: {
      'dest/path/': ['path/to/src/*.jade']
    options: {
      wrap: 'amd'

For node-style (Modules/1.0) compilation, add: (dependencies is what you want the runtime to be named)

jade: {
  node: {
    files: {
      'dest/path/': ['path/to/src/*.jade']
    options: {
      wrap: 'node'

For pretty-indentation whitespace, add

jade: {
  pretty: {
    files: {
      'dest/path/': ['path/to/src/*.jade']
    options: {
      pretty: true

For debug compilation, add:

jade: {
  debug: {
    files: {
      'dest/path/': ['path/to/src/*.jade']
    options: {
      compileDebug: true

For HTML compilation (instead of JS), add:

jade: {
  html: {
    files: {
      'dest/path/': ['path/to/src/*.jade']
    options: {
      client: false

For unwrapped functions, add:

jade: {
  unwrapped: {
    files: {
      'dest/path/': ['path/to/src/*.jade']
    options: {
      wrap: false // or 'none'

To keep directory structure, use basePath:

jade: {
  base_path: {
    files: {
      'dest/path/': ['path/to/src/*.jade'],
    options: {
      basePath: 'path/to/'

For no runtime file, add:

jade: {
  no_runtime: {
    files: {
      'dest/path/': ['path/to/src/*.jade']
    options: {
      runtime: false

For locals, add:

jade: {
  locals: {
    files: {
      'dest/path/': ['path/to/src/*.jade']
    options: {
      client: false,
      locals: {
        title: 'Welcome to my website!'

Or alternatively, use a function:

jade: {
  locals: {
    files: {
      'dest/path/': ['path/to/src/*.jade']
    options: {
      client: false,
      locals: function() {
          return {compiledAt: new Date()};

This is useful when you are also using the watch task, since the function will be called on each reload.

For custom extension, add:

jade: {
  custom_extension: {
    files: {
      'dest/path/': ['path/to/src/*.jade']
    options: {
      extension: '.xml',


Options Defaults

options: {
  client: true,
  runtime: true,
  pretty: false,
  compileDebug: false,
  extension: null,
  wrap: null,
  locals: null,
  basePath: null

Wrap Defaults

wrap: {
  wrap: true,
  amd: false,
  node: false,
  dependencies: null

Wrap Shorthand

Strings can be passed to options.wrap as a quick config

wrap: 'amd'
// Shorthand for:
// wrap: {
//   wrap: true,
//   amd: true,
//   node: false,
//   dependencies: 'runtime'
// }

wrap: 'global'
// Shorthand for: default wrapper
// wrap: {
//   wrap: true,
//   amd: false,
//   node: false,
//   dependencies: null
// }

wrap: 'node'
// Shorthand for:
// wrap: {
//   wrap: true,
//   amd: false,
//   node: true,
//   dependencies: './runtime'
// }

wrap: 'none'
// Shorthand for:
// wrap: {
//   wrap: false,
//   amd: false,
//   node: false,
//   dependencies: null
// }

Booleans can be passed to options.wrap as a quick config, too

wrap: true
// Shorthand for: 'global' or default wrapper
// wrap: {
//   wrap: true,
//   amd: false,
//   node: false,
//   dependencies: null
// }

wrap: false
// Shorthand for: 'none'
// wrap: {
//   wrap: false,
//   amd: false,
//   node: false,
//   dependencies: null
// }


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.

Release History

(Nothing yet)


Copyright (c) 2013 Blaine Bublitz Licensed under the MIT license.