
A default grunt configuration for new projects.

MIT License



Using the repo

Run these commands:

  • npm install
  • bower install
  • grunt init
  • grunt as normal.

Replace instances of GRUNTLERPLATE with your project name.

You’ll probably want to start by creating a few JS (and/or CSS) source files to src/ and adding them to grunt via grunt/config/concat.js.

Run grunt as normal.

Configuring Grunt

Rather than one giant Gruntfile.js, this project is using a modular Grunt setup. Each individual grunt configuration option key has its own file located in grunt/config-lib/ (readonly upstream configs, do not modify these directly) or grunt/config/ (project specific configs). You may use the same key in both directories, the objects are smartly combined using Lo-Dash merge.

For concatenation in the previous Gruntfile setup, you’d add another key to the giant object passed into grunt.initConfig like this: grunt.initConfig({ concat: { /* YOUR CONFIG */ } });. In the new configuration, you’ll create a grunt/config/concat.js with module.exports = { /* YOUR CONFIG */ };.


MIT License


  • Make a yeoman generator to replace GRUNTLERPLATE with the project name.

Inspiration From