
Work in progress

OTHER License



An easy way to deal with libraries.

What does it do?

After installing libraries via bower you can use this gulp plugin to get streams to all your libraries sources you need to copy to your project. You don't need to specify for each project again, where exactly the JavaScript or CSS is located, that you need to copy over.

A lengthy explanation of the motivation behind this library can be found in a blog post (TODO: write blog post) I wrote.

This plugin examines all your dependencies, if they have specified metadata in their package (see Metadata for your library). If they don't have metadata, it will look up the metadata for this library in a central repository (so this pugin also works for libraries, that don't want to specify metadata on their own). After that you can get access to all JavaScript, CSS or whatever resources the libraries exported via this plugin.

How to set it up?

To use this plugin, you need to require it in your Gulpfile and initialize it:

var libraries = require('gulp-libraries')();

You can pass several options to the initialization of the plugin, to configure it. The plugin has sensible default values for all the options. The options are described further down.

After you have initialized the plugin, you can get access to the files of your libraries by calling the modules files method. To just copy all the JavaScript files from all your libraries to build/libs you can write the following task:

gulp.task('libsjs', function() {

A library can export any kind of resources. The most common ones are js (JavaScript files), css (CSS files). (TODO: Define a list somewhere).

TODO: Ordering of packages

Metadata for your library

TODO: How the metadata file has to look



API Documentation


You need to call this in your buildscript to initialize the library.

options (object or undefined)

An optional object to configure the library. The following options are available:

  • config (default: libraries.json) - The relative (from the root of your project) path to
    the configuration file for this library. See library.json.
  • metadataRegistry (default: - The base url
    of the metadata registry. This can be any http(s) or file URL. If the plugin tries to look for
    metadata it will try to append the package id and the version and metadata.json to the
    base URL and look for that file (e.g. file:/tmp/jquery/2.0.0/metadata.json) if you set this
    option to file:/tmp/. If you set this option, because you are missing metadata in the official
    repository: sending a pull request is highly appreciated (see
    Metadata Repository Project).
  • ignoreCyclicDependencies TODO

gulp-libraries.files(types, opts, gulpOpts)

Return a file stream (that you can call .pipe on) for the specified file types.

types (string or string[])

Either a string or an array of strings. Define the type of files which to create a stream for (e.g. js or css). (TODO: Link to list) If you specify an array of types, the order in which the resources appear in the array will determine the order of the files in the stream.

opts (object or undefined)

An optional parameter, that can hold options on how to create the stream. There following keys can be set in the object:

  • keepHierarchy (default: false) - By default this plugin will flatten all packages, so they will all be put in the
    same folder if you output them via gulp.dest. If you set keepHierarchy to true the original
    structure inside the module folder will be kept. E.g. if you include jquery that way and output
    with gulp.dest('tmp') you will end up having the folder structure tmp/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js
    instead of just tmp/jquery.min.js.
gulpOpts (object or undefined)

An optional parameter that will be passed to the gulp.src function as a second parameter. You can set there any options gulp.src understands.