
Simple gun server



Simply start a gun server


I write a bunch of these servers. This library takes 10 lines down to 1-2. What can I say, I'm lazy 😜


You can download it by running this in your terminal:

If you don't have node and npm, you can get it here

$ npm install gun-server

It exports a function that take optional configuration and returns your gun instance.

// import the server function
var startGunServer = require('gun-server')

// use said function
var gun = startGunServer()

// by default, it'll listen on http://localhost:8080


By default, the server starts on port 8080, but you can override it by passing a port number.

var server = require('gun-server')
server(3000) // starts on port 3000

Or if you pass a function, it'll be attached to the server as a request handler.

var server = require('gun-server')
server(function (req, res) {
	// request handler

If you pass an object, you can set the port, request handler, and gun instantiation options (or reuse an existing server).

	handler: function (request, response) {
		// request handler (optional)
	port: 8080, // default, optional
	server: new http.Server(), // optional
	options: {
		// this is passed to the gun constructor

		file: 'data.json' // default


If you find a bug or have a feature request, go ahead and submit an issue and I'll follow up 😃