
3D Wavelet Rasterization



This module is an implementation of a sparse 3-dimensional Haar wavelet basis. You can use it to do the following:

  • Voxelize boundary representations (polygons, meshes, etc.)
  • Fill holes in meshes
  • Smooth or clean up noisy data

The rasterization technique is based on the following paper:

J. Manson, S. Schaefer. (2011) "Wavelet Rasterization", Computer Graphics Forum


npm i haar-tree-3d


const bunny = require('bunny')
const rasterize = require('haar-tree-3d/rasterize-cells')
const contour = require('haar-tree-3d/contour')

// renders the bunny mesh into a wavelet basis
const tree = rasterize(bunny.cells, bunny.positions, {depth: 6})

// extracts an isosurface mesh contour
const isomesh = contour(tree)



var tree = require('haar-tree-3d/rasterize-cells)(cells, positions[, options])

Rasterizes a triangular mesh into a sparse wavelet representation

  • cells cells are the faces of the mesh
  • positions positions are the locations of the vertices of the mesh
  • options
    • options.depth depth is the depth of the octree

Returns A sparse wavelet tree encoding the meshes


var value = require('haar-tree-3d/sample')(tree, x, y, z)

Samples the Haar wavelet tree at a specific point (x, y, z) in 3D space

  • tree is the Haar tree
  • x,y,z are the coordinates of the point

var array = require('haar-tree-3d/to-ndarray')(tree[, options])

Converts the Haar tree into an ndarray. Note that this representation is not very efficient.

  • tree is the Haar tree


var mesh = require('haar-tree-3d/contour')(tree)

Extracts a contour from a mesh field

  • tree is a Haar tree


Development supported by Standard Cyborg.

(c) 2017- Mikola Lysenko