
🔐 Full Authorization Header Auth Scheme for Hapi Node Server Framework

MIT License


\[._.]/ - Hapi Authorization Header

hapi Authorization header authentication scheme

Hapi compatibility

Version 3.x of this plugin is compatible with Hapi 17 and higher only.

For Hapi 16, please continue to use version 2.x of this plugin.


Special thanks to @johnbrett for hapi-auth-bearer-token plugin, which this plugin used as scaffolding.

You might find that the hapi-auth-bearer-token plugin is all you need, which also allows for Bearer supplied as a query param (this module does not). This plugin exists to handle the whole Authorization header, which allows comma delimited Authorization sources. This is useful if you need to validate more than one Authorization header field. For example, the API that this plugin was originally built for was gated by an API management proxy, which forwards traffic along with an "FD" Authorization header, added along with the "Bearer" header like so: Authorization: FD AF6C74D1-BBB2-4171-8EE3-7BE9356EB018, Bearer 12345678

This plugin is identical to hapi-auth-bearer-token plugin except that it will return tokens as an object back to your callback rather than token as the Bearer field value (e.g. Authorization: FD AF6C74D1-BBB2-4171-8EE3-7BE9356EB018, Bearer 12345678 would result in your validate function being called with tokens set to

   Bearer: 12345678,
   FD: AF6C74D1-BBB2-4171-8EE3-7BE9356EB018


Authentication requires validating tokens passed by Authentication header. You can customize any arbitrary number of names for the Authorization header fields that you want to validate.

Bearer authentication requires validating a token passed in by either the bearer authorization header, or by an access_token query parameter. The 'auth-header' scheme takes the following options:

  • validateFunc - (required) An async validation function with the signature function(tokens) where:
    • tokens - an object containing each of the Authorization header keys.
    • returns [isValid, credentials]
      • isValid - true if both the username was found and the password matched, otherwise false.
      • credentials - a credentials object passed back to the application in request.auth.credentials. Typically, credentials are only
        included when isValid is true, but there are cases when the application needs to know who tried to authenticate even when it fails
        (e.g. with authentication mode 'try').
  • options - (optional) - there are currently no configuration options :)
const Hapi = require('hapi');

const defaultHandler = (request, h) => {
    return h.response('success');

const server = new Hapi.Server({
    port: 3117,
    host: 'localhost'

server.register(require('hapi-auth-header'), async (err) => {

    server.auth.strategy('header', 'auth-header', {
        validate: function( tokens ) {
            // Use a real strategy here,
            // e.g. send the token to an oauth validation API
            if(tokens.Bearer === "1234" && tokens.oauth === "4321" ){
                return [true, { token: tokens.bearer }]
            } else {
                return [false, { token: tokens.bearer }]

    server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: defaultHandler, options: { auth: 'header' } });

    await server.start();

    console.log('Server started at: ' + server.info);