
Hapi.js Validation with Joi + failAction question.

GPL-2.0 License



Hapi.js Validation with Joi + failAction question.


We want to build a "traditional" server-side-only rendered application using Hapi.

While trying to understand how to avoid returning a "raw" 400 error to the client when Joi validation fails:

We want to intercept the "email not allowed to be empty" (Joi) validation error and instead display the error message in the html template to the client, rather than returning the 400 error.

@AdriVanHoudt advised that we should:

"Look at failAction under http://hapijs.com/api#route-options "

And @MattHarrison elaborated that the failAction should be a function.


We added failAction which re-uses the register_handler so that the registration-form.html is shown with any input validation error message (until it is submitted with valid data)

  method: '*',
  path: '/register',
  config: {
    validate: {
      payload : register_fields,
      failAction: register_handler // register_handler is dual-purpose (see below!)
  handler: register_handler

the register_handler is:

function register_handler(request, reply, source, error) {
  // show the registration form until its submitted correctly
  if(!request.payload || request.payload && error) {
    var errors, values; // return empty if not set.
    if(error && error.data) { // means the handler is dual-purpose
      errors = extract_validation_error(error); // the error field + message
      values = return_form_input_values(error); // avoid wiping form data
    return reply.view('registration-form', {
      title  : 'Please Register ' + request.server.version,
      error  : errors, // error object used in html template
      values : values  // (escaped) values displayed in form inputs
    }).code(error ? 400 : 200); // HTTP status code depending on error
  else { // once successful, show welcome message!
    return reply.view('welcome-message', {
      name   : validator.escape(request.payload.name),
      email  : validator.escape(request.payload.email)

See: server.js:57 for complete file.

Where extract_validation_error(error) and return_form_input_values(error) are helper functions defined within server.js (but would be split out into re-useable view helpers) which keep our handler function lean.

When we submit the form without any of the required fields we see:

We also use https://github.com/chriso/validator.js to mitigate Cross Site Scripting vulnerability:

And display a welcome message on successful registration: reg-success-1of2


We feel that re-using the handler function as the failAction keeps the code related to this route/action in a single place whereas server.ext('onPreResponse' ... will introduce "hooks" which can be a source of confusion (once an app has many such hooks...)


Let us know what you think!